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Mr. PeanutButter

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Everything posted by Mr. PeanutButter

  1. This is the exactly the same EDM I was forced to listen to at frat parties when I went to college. My God, the flashbacks
  2. some pretty cool items up on the silent auction. I'm eyeing the cruise so @ionel dont be trying to drive up the bids just to irritate me
  3. le sigh. Wishing him the best (and hopefully he avoids CTE) but bummed that the sport is potentially losing out on an all timer
  4. Was hoping more of our men's freestyle reps would show. Will they compete elsewhere before the Olympics?
  5. yeah, those people exist. I always thought RBY was an upstanding dude so I don't want to jump to conclusions. We don't know the full story here after all
  6. Yeah, this seems like a strange move. Maybe he should have been more mindful about how he spent his NILions
  7. I thought I read that somewhere. Good hire nonetheless. Is he done competing?
  8. I hope (and think) you're right. I did watch RBY's matches, including the 10-4 win at the Pan Am qualifier over a wrestler that Lee torched. I think Lee is the better wrestler but I also think that RBY has a bit more to give. He has the explosive speed that can give Lee fits. However, your point stands: we haven't really seen that version of RBY at 57kg, yet.
  9. I think this match could be highly competitive. If RBY manages his weight well, he could wrestle Lee much like Wang did. On the other hand, Spencer could end the match quickly or put it out of reach via par terre
  10. In an interview at the conclusion of NCAAs (I believe it is posted by USA wrestling) he said that we'll be seeing him in wrestling, still. Paraphrasing.
  11. Tom Brands emphasized the need to have the HWC operations lead, Chad Beatty, in Turkiye when Spencer was competing. I take that as a sign that the Hawks are taking the HWC more seriously now. Would love to have Alirez on board but It would take me some adjustment to see him and Woods on the same team. There will be a riot If Alirez goes from champion to 4th place in the Iowa room.
  12. Not surprised. Both the Iowa and PSU boards can be disgustingly toxic. This is probably true for any online community that gets large enough
  13. Wow. I guess I'm an OkSt fan now
  14. Can someone fill me in on how much of a benefit Ritalin and similar substances can yield to an athlete? Just trying to understand the situation, not to pass a verdict or insinuate anything
  15. bro I thought DT was a lock to Iowa. If he is going to split time between M2 and OKST why not throw Iowa in there as well?
  16. looks like a changing of the guard. Taylor didn't have much
  17. jeez. After the flo interview I thought Downey had found some semblance of maturity. Fooled again
  18. I joked about this earlier but are did they schedule 57 towards the end of the program to allow for the weight cutters to recover better?
  19. Nolf didn't do much the 2nd period but Marinelli could not pierce his defense. Was hoping for a little more
  20. limited training, the injury, and going up 2 weight classes does not seem to have hampered Star's gas tank
  21. Carter does not look smaller (at least not by much) than Hidlay. Amazing
  22. Blaze gave Suriano a good match Lilledahl takedowns Deshazer, who was trying to evade, in the last 20 seconds. Takes the win
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