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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. against his employees https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2024/05/14/inspector-general-confirms-doj-has-been-retaliating-against-whistleblowers-n2639048
  2. who did OSU get as dir of operations? sounds like a splash hire...but no name mentioned
  3. did you notice all the requirements he set he doesn't want to debate it's bait and switch on the border all over again so he can say... see trump is afraid to debate me
  4. i wonder how much they miss barry
  5. texas as in the univ. at austin, is NEVER getting wrestling. no matter how successful any other school in texas is. success means nothing to these people... the most successful program of any kind in Nebraska... was cut after winning yet again...
  6. https://asiatimes.com/2022/05/why-taiwan-faces-hiccups-in-us-arms-purchases/
  7. someone was trying to say al jezeera was a journalistic group and it was bad that isreal was removing them
  8. iMmiGratiOn DoeS nOt ImPacT the avEraGe pErson
  9. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/california-s-workers-now-want-30-minimum-wage/ss-BB1mjJ4I?ocid=socialshare
  10. i was told immigration doesn't impact me
  11. how is violence currently working in advancing their cause or for the last 40 years
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