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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. the two rules that most people want to add to folk to make it.... 'better'
  2. i posted this in another place earlier.: if this weekend didn't convince people that we don't need the free rules in folk, i Dont know what will. wrestling is lost. I fear for it's survival. I love free. not as much as i used to ... my heroes are gone. It wasn't as interesting this weekend. I knew JB was done, after his first match. I did like watching several others... but the gamesmanship is too much. not enough wrestling.. too much pushing and dropping... and even a new 'technique' of locking out on all 4's i hadn't seen before. there were moments... like nolf and brooks hitting powerful doubles on legends.
  3. we already have hired guns... why do we need more international kids training here
  4. so we have different rules than international? that seems stupid...
  5. if this weekend didn't convince people that we don't need the free rules in folk, i Dont know what will. wrestling is lost. I fear for it's survival. I love free. not as much as i used to ... my heroes are gone. It wasn't as interesting this weekend. I knew JB was done, after his first match. I did like watching several others... but the gamesmanship is too much. not enough wrestling.. too much pushing and dropping... and even a new 'technique' of locking out on all 4's i hadn't seen before. there were moments... like nolf and brooks hitting powerful doubles on legends.
  6. nope. no need. shotclock is just a way for the ref to get involved. dont need it either
  7. i remember my introduction to slip throw. a guy who i know is going to hit it, tries, i counter it and put him down and begin to turn him a few times immediately the ref stops us...i think i'm ahead.. and ask why no points on the board (this was in the 80's) he says slip throw. i just looked at him. what a bunch of horse hockey.
  8. you all just ignored all the other athletes praising God?
  9. love to see him medal... but im not sure he's ready yet. taylor is not what he used to be and zahid... not really either...
  10. taylor does look like his young scrawny self...
  11. the border is shit. why did biden sue to stop texas from doing his job? why did biden undo trump policies... and then reinstate many. the border 'security' bill ensures that we take in a certain number every year. i dont remember for certain the number... but it was higher than at any time in history.. even these last few years...
  12. lol a border control bill that ASSURED more immigration than has ever come in.
  13. you missed when MM pushed JB's head into the mat 3 or 4 times on the edge? you missed MM continuing 3 or 4 seconds after the whistle on the edge?
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