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Everything posted by Corby

  1. Mesenbrink could jump into the top 10 next week if he beats Fish Michigan St this weekend at Army.
  2. Frost and Ech will wrestle off next week for 141. As will 125 Terukina / Perryman and 197 Broderson/ Nando. I believe 157 Chittum/ Kraisser will happen in the room today
  3. Teemer didn't have a concussion his eye was hit and swelled up. He will be wrestling Tuesday against Levi
  4. I think the issue is no crimes were committed. So why did the DCI go so far
  5. Thought the plan for Parker was to RS this year. Has that changed?
  6. Flo had people on the ground in PA. JD called the finals. I dont like Crookham at #1 but some do. Rankings are great for hype and discussion
  7. So confused as well they keep saying Lamer and he's at Poly now.
  8. Moline IL kid he was 5th twice in IL big schools. He was 106 as a SR
  9. My guess would be they've to go back and change those records manually. Not sure anyone for the system to know if it was a 1st MFF or not would be my guess
  10. Looks like a 5-5 dual on paper. Bonus could decide it. Will be a great dual
  11. Teemer vs Meyer will be a good test
  12. No but it lists the guys that should be at the tournament which I like
  13. Those lights are no joke. It messed my 1 eye up bad. I had a patch on it for a few weeks then sunglasses for a few months. It still has issues with the sun and bright lights. I have broken many bones and have had 2 kidney stones and that was definitely worse. I know Willie will agree there's nothing worse then that
  14. Hudson has been a voice on this since his college days in 2009
  15. Could see 174 Arnold 184 Angelo 197 AJ Hwt Kueter down the road
  16. Blaze attends some RTC practices at Purdue so they're definitely familiar with each other
  17. Theorist Media they've 35 million subscribers. A gamer channel I believe
  18. More and more teams not doing a holiday tournament and doing duals instead. A few new dual events have popped up over the holidays and some are doing those
  19. He has a new job running a big YouTube channel.
  20. Palmer started his career at Clarion at 141 he was 133 the last 2 years and now down to 125. He's long and hard to finish on. His schedule is very favorable as well. The Scuffle has 1 weight where the guy who's supposed to win is inside the top 10. Scuffle is down this year big time
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