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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Agree 100% , hence my reference to him as fauxbon..... faux cinnamon roll.... etc. The "new" one is a day old . No real cinnabons to see here.
  2. This needs to be documented somewhere so that we can return to it in 2029.
  3. Don't forget Manville coming in next year (145) and little Larkin who is probably in the fold.
  4. Maybe they thought some of those guys would grow to 174-197
  5. I thought this thread was about me in the first place....I have shared this before, but..... Back in the 80's I bumped up an age group at Vegas. I won a few matches then ran into a kid I never heard of...John Buxton. I had never seen a leg lace before, so I had also never seen a counter or defense for it. He took me down and leg laced me until we went out of bounds. I had no idea what happened. Then in a scramble, he locked it up and turned me until we went out of bounds again. Match over. He may still be leg lacing me to to this day had there not been a 12 point tech fall at that time. He went on to become an AA at Nebraska, having some great matches with Eric Aiken from Iowa State... I did not. Probably the best kid I ever faced in high school.
  6. The more important question of this dual is what Faux Cinnamon Roll owes.... He did say that no Iowa wrestlers suspended due to gambling would miss a dual - BOOK IT! What did we bet? Since the Iowa wrestlers faced a year long ban due to gambling, I feel the punishment should fit the crime.
  7. You gotta rep the brand...as I was told anyway. Looks like you are already sponsored by Michael Crichton. Might want to hold on to that one... start reppin that brand...you know sell the books, set up some displays at the NCAA.
  8. Gabe Whisenhunt Oregon State beats #4 Sam Latona 10-9 at Southeast Open
  9. Whoa... some close one's there and surprising results. Is Valencia heading up or down?
  10. Do you pay NIL to posters.... just wondering.
  11. Just to be clear, Trey Munoz leads for the Hodge Trophy.
  12. Good day for the Beavs. A few backups in the lineup coming up big. First time in a while we had some depth that can step up. On to the Southeast open!
  13. Slightly different lineup for Oregon State, but I got OSU at 20-13... there will be some bonus in there somewhere.
  14. That can't be their lineup. BOOK IT!
  15. https://247sports.com/college/kansas-state/Article/kansas-state-football-recruiting-navarro-schunke-219224572/ Sounds like he had offers from other schools but chose the PWO at KS because he loved the program so much. It would not surprise me if he started the season on scholarship. It's a numbers game.
  16. I am assuming when actually yelled it would be TTWWOOOOOOOOO point five
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