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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Ranked Teams at CKLV - 15 of the top 21 teams. No. 20 Air Force No. 7T Arizona State University No. 5 Cornell No. 11 Iowa State No. 9 University of Michigan No. 6 University of Nebraska No. 7T North Carolina State University No. 15 Ohio State University No. 10 Oklahoma State University No. 21 T Oregon State No. 19 Purdue No. 13 South Dakota State University No. 17 University of North Carolina No. 14 University of Northern Iowa No. 3 Virginia Tech
  2. He needs the Tex thing intermixed.... I had great luck with @nhs67 .... maybe he can cook something up for @TexRef. If it works out he may want to quit his day job and just start making picture thingys.
  3. Looks like he's gotta figure out how to beat the new and improved Ole now.
  4. I think they go with Ech to see what will happen... if it's a tech either way then no harm.... I got Terukina -he has looked good. First big dual for Cody.... will he chittum self? I think he will hold his own there but won't beat Franek. I got ISU with a 20-14 win.
  5. Speaking of leaving, what's the Rowley story. IMO that was a big loss.
  6. I have to say... I like it. First time I have had an Avatar or picture thingy. Probably better than the age old "I"
  7. I have stated this for the last couple years and will state it again...this tourney has become the best regular season tourney of the year. Team list looks very tough. https://cklvwrestle.com/participating-teams/
  8. Oh I am good with the OSUW.... I prefer that. I like eOSU because it makes them sound like an online school or an electric car, which both are a cheap imitation of the real thing.
  9. You haven't seen anything yet.
  10. Man, Spratley tore through the bracket, including a tech over Joey Cruz.... Cruz appears to be struggling at Iowa - teched by Ayala and Spratley. eOSU is deep between 141-149 - impressive win for Williams.
  11. Yep... Fouret is not a slouch. He has some funk -Caliendo stayed calm and adjusted. Yep - could have been a replay of the OT2 match at the NCAA.
  12. Gabe Arnold should, he's already said it a few times.
  13. Yep... he's been dinged up. Should be at Vegas. I was hoping he would be in Iowa for the Caliendo match. Double OT at NCAA last season - would have been a good one.
  14. This might upset a few people, but Jaden Abbas was injured during a match at the Road Runner open. Not sure how serious or if it was just precautionary.
  15. Here we go.... the classic dual vs duel. Surprised we have gotten over a year without this 78 page thread. I agree.... dual. But a duel, is between two.... ught oh.
  16. Yeah.... it was pretty bad. Not knowing team scoring was a very bad look.
  17. On the flip side, that’s a lot of Iowa kids in the lineup.
  18. That was not good. I know what’s up with a couple guys but where was figs? Assuming that Valencia could t get to 174 yet. Negron looked decent last week - Whiting dominated.
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