"You don't know me"
"My family loves me"
"I'm well liked"
"Here's saying that you can't say that, can you?"
Now he is trying to convince strangers on the internet that people love him. If I could give him one piece of advice I would say show a therapist his all his responses in this thread. They could possibly help him rid some demons/baggage.
He reminds me of my best friend in high school who was raised by a man with (NPI) narcissistic personality disorder.
My friend was so sensitive to even mild constructive criticism. Always threatening to leave right away, then ghosting people for no reason, quick to challenge people to fights/name calling. He started using lying and triangulation tactics, learned from his father, to get what he wanted in life.
Mental disorders are real an often misdiagnosed/treated. That's a common theme all across our country unfortunately.