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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. I think you must be speaking of Zuckerberg.
  2. We all wish he had said something along the lines of, “If your free speech values don’t align with the direction we’re going, then you’re free to take your business elsewhere. We’ll find other advertisers” instead of using a crude but commonly used phrase. You may recall a state treasurer sided with Musk over Disney.
  3. Spoiler alert. You can’t buy everything on Amazon. Amazon is worth over 1.5 Trillion dollars. Let that sink in.
  4. Free on PBS? https://www.pbs.org/video/the-dual-wovuhf/
  5. Bezos? No. But I sure regret not buying stock.
  6. I’m a cup 1/2 full type of entrepreneur. This particular entrepreneur, Musk, has a little bit of experience to back it up.
  7. X plans to be the “everything” app. I’m old enough to remember Jeff Bezos in the early days claiming you would someday buy everything on Amazon.com.
  8. Best damn tech investment in the history of mankind!
  9. This seems like it deserves its own thread. Can we find any common ground?
  10. Biden’s refusal to detain illegal aliens as the law requires must flabbergast everyone not just conservatives.
  11. It was widely said by the same folks on here that pursuing Hunter Biden was a foolish waste of time. Just a couple days ago he was charged with 9 federal charges, 3 felonies.
  12. Smoked venison summer sausage with chipotle peppers. From woods to table.
  13. Theres been smoke for a long time. https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/110331/documents/HMKP-116-JU00-20191211-SD067.pdf
  14. The conversation has been about allowing investigation, you’d think you’d appreciate that.
  15. Just because evidence isn’t sitting out in clear daylight doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The same people that bleached Hillary’s devices and J6 records are in charge.
  16. Mitt Romney invented TDS. Ok, maybe John McCain did but he comes in a close second. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/481902-timeline-trump-and-romneys-rocky-relationship/amp/
  17. How many intelligence officials does it take to sign a document misleading the public with the sole intention of providing election manipulation for a Presidential candidate?
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