If you built a team next year solely out of transfers, could they earn a trophy next year in K.C?
125- Caleb Smith or Dom LaJoie
133- Chris Cannon
141- Gabe Willochel
149- Marcus Polanco
157- Travis Mastro
165- Shane Griffith or Mitchell Messenbrink
174- Izzak Olejnik or Shane Griffith
184- Bernie Truax or Guiseppe Hoose
197- A.J. Ferrari or Bernie Truax/Jake Woodley if Ferrari's legal troubles aren't cleared
285- Lucas Davison or Yaraslau Slavikouski
Maybe everyone in the country just had big watch parties! I know I had about 5 guys over to watch that would have watched at their place. I sure my party was pretty mild compared to some of the ragers you all probably threw!
Although Oregon State took a bit of a step back at NCAAs this year I do think the program is on the rise. Pendleton is building something solid. Positive momentum. Excited to see where they are in a few years.
Sorry. In my quick scan of the message board I replied incorrectly.
Real Woods transferred out of a program that was close to being cut.....
Max Dean transferred out of a program that "cut" wrestling during the Covid year.
Trey Munoz started at Arizona State and just AA'ed for Oregon State.
Jason Tsirtsis transferred to Arizona State from Northwestern. AA'ed at both schools.
Evan Wick Wisconsin to Cal Poly.
Lots of gloom and doom from many leading up to the tourney. Lack of lodging, lack of food/drink nearby, pricey flights, etc, etc.
Now that is over what are your thoughts? How was the arena, the town, the overall weekend experience?
I'll start.
Oregon State Beavs were 2-5. 2 of those 5 losses were upsets according to the seeds. Overall we didn't look sharp to open up the tourney. We have some tough roads through the backside brackets now.
125- Kaylor lost to Wagner UNC 1-3
133- Shaner lost to Biscoglia UNI Fall
141- Belton lost to Filius PUR 3-8 (Belton had beat him earlier this year)
165- Olguin lost to Wilson NEB 1-3 SV (Olguin did have to take time after taking a shot to the head early on) Some wild scrambling in OT
174- Olmos beat Wolak COL 6-3
184- Munoz beat Parker NDSU 2-1
197- Harvey lost to Surber OKST 1-8 (Harvey had beaten Surber 14-9 this season)
I believe that Oregon has 4 qualifiers, not 5. Travis Wittlake, Chance Lamer, Jason Shaner, and Tanner Harvey.
It also looks like you have the Pac-12 labeled as the Pac-10.
Looks like there will be a couple of repeats of the Pac-12 finals in the second round? Hope I am wrong
125: Kaylor v. Courtney in round 2
165: Olguin v. Griffith in round 2
Maybe coaching harnesses? Each coach is required to wear one and they are attached to a solid object that is (fill in the blank) distance from the mat? After the match the coach unhooks their harness, holds the strap, and walks around the tournament with it on until their next wrestler is up. Repeat....