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Everything posted by NormMacDonald

  1. Where did O'toole's other point come from? I saw the escape.
  2. I agree with them. I hate seeing the bigger schools taking the good kids from the small schools.
  3. Right now I'm looking forward to this 157 lb final the most.
  4. Why are the putting basketball commercials on during wrestling.. idiots
  5. What the hell was Nebraska doing there choosing top with Lovett?
  6. I love ya 27 year old college wrestlers, but I'm ready for it to be over.
  7. If they'd have let me have a 7th year in middle school wrestling I'd have been a world beater.
  8. Perfectly fine with me. I think stalling should be called more often.
  9. I haven't no. Should I? I was at the Olympic trials in Indianapolis where a Greco match was something like a half an hour. It was fantastic.
  10. I hate the overtime rules. Put them up with no time limit until someone gets a takedown.
  11. I am so confused. Couldn't he have ridden him out to tie the match?
  12. Randy Jackson going to start hitting people with the spear
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