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Everything posted by MinnesotaMustang

  1. Is that face value for the suite or is there some markup going on? I have been interested in the past but had it in my head as about $1200-$1500 per person.
  2. It’s interesting, some of the lesser sports e.g. “dressage” are incredibly difficult tickets, in addition to obvious things like gymnastics and swim. Every sport has their own group of hardcore fans much like wrestling. There is also a group of people that seems to attend “every” Olympics. For Paris it looks like the “Concorde Urban Project” has become a hot ticket. This is where they do skateboarding, BMX, and I think breakdancing. Probably the novelty. The IOC has seemed to be doing a good job controlling scalping and reselling, with the only tickets available so far being through them at face value. Tickets weren’t cheap, but were fair.
  3. I have tickets for Paris 2024. Entered a lottery about a year ago and won. I think pretty much everyone won. Bought everything available at the time. During the initial sale they make you buy multiple sports, so I grabbed women’s soccer and sailing as well. New tickets would pop up every couple months and I grabbed the sessions I was missing. No such thing as an all sessions pass like NCAA’s. Have section B and C for prelims and section A for all gold medal FS finals. Going to be a good time. Hoping to go to LA in 2028 as well. I imagine transportation and planning will be much easier. Hardest thing for Paris has been lodging. Had to prepay for a hotel over a year ago.
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