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Everything posted by NM1965

  1. I think he's an ass, but to each his own.
  2. If those guys pick a school based on academics then neither will be going to Oklahoma State, that's for sure
  3. Tom isn't legally allowed to be more than 500 miles from his shrink.
  4. Isn't he going to see what he can do at the Sr level before getting into coaching, if he's actually interested in coaching?
  5. Why do people say I'm a racist for writing a screenplay of "Roots" with all the slave parts portrayed by white actors in blackface?
  6. Fishing for a new HC, I hope.
  7. How fancy does a wrestling room have to be, though? As long as it holds 3 or 4 full sized mats and can get super hot so guys sweat like pigs is the only requirement.
  8. I understand guys transferring if they aren't reaching their potential, but is Hamiti really going to improve at OSU? I'd go to ISU before OSU if I wanted to get better, frankly.
  9. Technically you could argue the Brands boys wouldn't have won a single NCAA team title if not for the transfer portal. They had the "extra class" from VT with Metcalf that enabled them to win 3 team titles, then the 2021 title.
  10. It paid off for OSU. They'd have finished further down the totem pole if not for Olejnik and the other transfers. It didn't pay off in spades like it did UM or PSU, granted.
  11. My imagination! I just like to rattle the PSU chains a little from time to time....
  12. Nobody wants that. If you make baby Jesus cry you'll have to deal with the entire PSU team.
  13. That would be nice for the Sooners, for sure. Here's my picks for next year and they are pretty lame picks: 125 Figs 133 Fix somehow finds a way to wheedle another year's eligibility and actually wins. Either that or Crookham. 141 Mendez 149 Henson 157 Haines 165 Messenbrink 174 Starocci 184 Keck 197 Buchanon, but I'm worried about his development in OU's room. HWT Kerk
  14. Sanderson would be too slick for Brooks.
  15. That's why they have such tough wrestlers, the bad wrestlers are all killed by muggers and burglars.
  16. It must be some pretty amazing aid. Granted, the degree would be very shiny from an IVY. I remember a kid from Harvard winning a title about 15 years or so ago. When he was interviewed afterward he was yoked that he'd gotten an IVY education more than an NCAA wrestling title.
  17. What's the story with Braedon Davis transferring to Rutgers? Any of you guys heard about this?
  18. One of the most annoying things on FLO is the "brackets" section where you have to search tournament through brackets by date only. So you have to scroll through 300 Jr High and HS tournaments to finally get to what you are looking for. Wonderful. They really need to fix the sort function.
  19. A question: how does a coach get guys to come wrestle for a program that doesn't offer athletic scholarships when they can get scholarships elsewhere? I don't get it. Maybe if the kids come from rich families they can send their kids to an IVY, but how many rich kids are good wrestlers? I know it's possible because Cornell has a great team and they are an IVY, but I just don't get why good wrestlers won't just accept a scholly elsewhere.
  20. Valenti was not an exciting guy to watch. I hope Penn isn't as boring on the mat as he was.
  21. I've subscribed to FLO on 3 separate occasions and they never fail to not impress.
  22. I've watched the match. Keck "may have been handled", but he didn't give up bonus points.
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