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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Well he did say "this weekend" but I'm pretty sure he was talking about ping pong. They had free time after weighins.
  2. ionel


    It was Flo on my tablet that was behind on the stream matches, think tried it once on phone same thing. Had football on TV so didn't try Roku.
  3. ionel


    Were you using the Flo app, web site or just Track?
  4. Carr won but both wrestled well. I'd say anything could happen next time.
  5. No one is in peak shape now so we still have a lot to learn.
  6. Come on man, that's not even half of it, let's see the full pics.
  7. Boom! The Big Braunagel.
  8. So are you saying the Track folks were thinking ahead, factoring in the diminishing OS thus providing a better product by not updating?
  9. ionel


    Anyone else been have trouble with the match selections in the live stream are not what you get on that mat when its selected? Its like they just aren't updating properly.
  10. I'd say you have to find us to nuke us but maybe that depends on the size of your nuke,, gonna be collateral damage. I haven't tried this but worry if I login on both Track & Flo on two devices will it kick me out of one?
  11. ahh ... hmm ... I'll have to check ... card punch & reader but then I'd have to find a main frame connection ...
  12. Yeah mine gives the Roku or Tablet/Phone option, wife won't be happy if i select Roku while she is watching football. Its mainly just find annoying to go back & forth track to flo and of course their UX is outdated plus completely different on the two platforms.
  13. I knew I should've have thrown away my Windows 95 cd.
  14. Thanks, was trying to just do such on Flo since that's where am watching video.
  15. The bigger question is why does Track still exist, why hasn't it been merged into on updated product?
  16. Couldn't even see that on Flo, having to go thu all the selection clicks on track & back & forth track to Flo is a real pain. Why am I not seeing the upcoming & brackets on Flo?
  17. If like most things on Track it takes 15 clicks to get to the page where you can fill out a request form then wait a week for response in the mail.
  18. Does anyone understand why if Open on Flo we have to use Track for brackets and will they ever upgrade the architecture to the 20th century?
  19. And you never got on board with: TheCBUS
  20. Well sure now but what about after Focus has had 2 to 3 years of roughing up in the pen?
  21. You appear to know sump'n about the importance of pec muscles for this here wrestling sport, they aint just for swim'n eh?
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