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Everything posted by ionel

  1. So its easy for all to find the streaming coverage for the current week duals. Are there rules against replying to SHP threads?
  2. 125 - 118 = 7 They added 7 lbs to the old weight classes when went to 1 hr weigh ins, this was triggered by the fatalities.
  3. Pretty sure Guerrero was 133 his last year. When went to 1 hour weigh ins 126 became 133. 126=133, Guerrero was a career 133 not 125.
  4. And the John Smith who went 2,1,1 was not 125. Its jerseywrestling, can't expect them to know wrestling history. I mean would any on this here forum go to Dan for advice?
  5. I agree: 'When you are plumb tuckered out, plumb is used as an intensifier, and tuckered out has been around in American vernacular since at least 1839, when the phrase was published in a newspaper — the Wisconsin Enquirer — “I reckoned to have got to the tavern by sundown, but I haven’t, as I’m prodigiously tuckered out.” And this from the more polished Atlantic Monthly, founded in 1857: “She then informed me that the first time she had mounted the colt he had nearly bucked her to pieces; he had jumped and jounced till she was plum(b) tuckered out before he had given up.”' Seems some Wisconsin and Atlantic coast history so a Wisconsin vs Cornell match, sure there could be some plumb tuckering.
  6. I thought Gomez just looked better. But sure getting tuckered isn't good.
  7. But how do we know that he is not Elon Musk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. weight ru accusing em of braken the rules cause if ur carls gonna call ewe a liar
  9. But what if a guy beats another guy in the room consistently but then in ~3rd match of an open tournament another guy beats a guy? Isn't the objective to find the best guy for tournament competition cause as we all know (ref Carl & TB) ddm.
  10. And prob more to it than that, if recall the timeline pretty sure he was dismissed from the program before this incident occurred. There was a lot going on.
  11. Wkn will be allowed only dry toast tomorrow, no butter or jam.
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