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Everything posted by ionel

  1. ionel

    Flo :(

    Are you watching Scuffle now? Maybe rodents don't like/eat Chick-fil-A?
  2. ionel

    Flo :(

    How about a new business model. When I agree to pay for a new year of Flo I also at that point in time sit down and watch 2 hours of non stop Flo commercials so when it is time to watch wrestling I can actually watch WRESTLING!!
  3. If Wittlake weren't from OR would almost expect to see Haas for this one, he's looked good at Scuffle. Should've been Haas v Wittlake in semi.
  4. Scuffle quarter finals are underway.
  5. Why can't I give this 5 each of likes, laughs and thanks? C'mon Bob
  6. It appears MP is a grump today because of the football game. I was cheering for the buckeyes, they had that game, most disappointing.
  7. My experience, there's a point (he should be there) where your knee is 100% of what it was. Now rehabbing two at once can be different, but its not like Spencer had a job or something that got in the way of his rehab schedule.
  8. If you believe that you probably also believe that Tom Brands' mom runs the Iowa program. I heard Terry's mom also has input.
  9. Probably would've been a better dual meet last year.
  10. wait a minute ... he paid his own way! How could a poor college student afford such travel cost?
  11. Odd how the other Smith showed up with all the starters and ~dozen extra guys, no flu. Maybe the Mizzu & VTech starters all swapped flu in their dual.
  12. Thought he did have two good knees now.
  13. Rendezvous has the best dry rub, Central great BBQ in general. One of my son's did summer intern with Valero discovered 3 we hit these two on weekend trip down for visit, can't remember his 3rd. Commisary was one we always went to when down for soccer tournament in Germantown. I'd put all 3 above any I've had in KC, TX, etc.
  14. Hodge would've insisted on a red ribbon, c'mon man!
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