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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I worked in high school and college but paid federal tax. Maybe you took the Trump route.
  2. You get a tax refund when you have more withheld than you owe, doesn't mean you paid zero.
  3. Maybe he thinks they are holding out for JB & DT as co-head coaches?
  4. Starting from the bottom Hendrickson doesn't even have Iowa on his visit list correct and AJ? I don't know why Jimmy didn't just transfer in a the PSU starters.
  5. A federal refund doesn't mean you paid zero taxes. What are you even talking about? And are you sure with all Trumps various businesses there were zero federal taxes paid?
  6. Ok ... you got me on the facts there ... I retrack my statement.
  7. Shorter wrestlers have done it.
  8. https://www.sfgate.com/cannabis/article/medmen-bankruptcy-19429105.php
  9. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-deadlift-record/ So is it fair to say the Focus deadlifts like a girl?
  10. Is that you Jimmy? You are sounding far too reasonable.
  11. yeah we've been pondering for 20 years, kindve like 40 years wandering in the wilderness.
  12. I cringe every time I think of what must've happened to Hammerlock1 & 2.
  13. One of the issues with Young Fr year was he needed to put on more muscle for 141 and maybe take a Rs to do so. Well he did and I'm betting can make 141 but no way with his frame 133 after putting on more weight. He might compete for spot at 141 but I think JW is too slick for him at 149. But might Williams grow into 157, to me he looks like a young Kenny Monday so ... PS: no idea why I just replied to a pastry avatar
  14. Did you watch the Fix finals? Coleman was dressed like a new head coach, John was dressed like a guy heading out to go fishing. Yes!
  15. Universities have procedures to follow.
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