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Everything posted by ionel

  1. ... @BobDole paid Jimmy $100k to transfer back to the boards? And side note: how much is @flyingcement paying per post to use Jimmy's avatar image or does that go to Focus?
  2. If all 3 are there Netflix needs to jump on this and start the documentary in September.
  3. Ohhh ... but think about 3 in the room plus the dad & uncle, hope Iowa has a good insurance policy.
  4. Don't know about that but heard a Ford Focus crashed in their new weight room.
  5. Is it true the next version of Tesla self driving cars will not have windows just so owners have something to batch about?
  6. This was all thought out and planned, it started last year.
  7. Don't forget as the best 197 ever he will now demand at least $1.5/2M and a budget for the private security needed to follow him around campus.
  8. The current OSU room (since GIA was renovated) is upstairs with open plan and windows overlooking the football stadium. But nah ... John trained in the basement prior renovation.
  9. less than 1 cinnabon, what value do you get from 80 punches to the face?
  10. Sure but an 80 pound bag of flyingcement can do a lot more damage than a cinnabon.
  11. Ahh ... that ain't airforce. But he did just land.
  12. Is there a chance the 10th Circuit Court strikes that down as illegal?
  13. "Bullying" might be another. We've taken it from what occurs in schools to using it against someone who might just be very intentional and has a plan.
  14. I'm sure they already talked to Pop and the others when deciding what course to take.
  15. There is no requirement to use the Itemized Deductions schedule or even if you do to report donations. If you paid taxes you would probably know this.
  16. Taking down the American flag and defacing university buildings, government property is now "free speech?"
  17. Biden finally said don't regarding taking over college campuses.
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