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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Only the AD could promise the job and he would be conferring with alumni and donors. Do you think he did that? Now he could have been promised first spot on the list.
  2. Don't know why, he is a grown man and I'm betting like John he wants whats best for OSU wrestling.
  3. DT has been on the radar for years.
  4. I'm betting one of the reasons they've been waiting to build the new facility is John wanting the new coach to have input. Now that we are there let the flow.
  5. What happened to Bormet's club when he went to MI or Poeta's when he accepted at Illinois?
  6. No. John has always been about what & who is best for OSU. Who do you think told the AD to be looking at guys like JB, KD, DT, CC etc.?
  7. I just hope he takes his and doesn't rush the decision. There are some really good guys around the country, he needs to think about weight distribution. Makes sense to have someone that's been in the PSU room besides him. Its good to keep someone (not Perry) on board for a year who knows the local ropes. But otherwise get the best possible to develop your plan.
  8. You may have missed the news, DT got the head coach job not assistant.
  9. BTW: I'm fine with Tulsi Gabbard as VP and Trump thrown in jail first day in office. I just feel back for his Secret Service detail.
  10. But she is taking responsibility and going back herself even though she believes in not going back. That takes fortitude and if you look in the book preface there's a picture of a DeLorean.
  11. Yes ... Dake wins all fantasy coaching matches above 42 degrees.
  12. I feel bad for Vak, he may have missed his last chance to see Iowa beat OSU and he was invited.
  13. Yes ... but you don't have to give me the double bird.
  14. Well that wasn't nice. Maybe she just saw Kim Jong from her back yard.
  15. He can drop it off in Ohio on the way, @MPhillips likes cool cats.
  16. ... or maybe it was more about
  17. I think all true OSU fans appreciate what Coleman did this year. This could not have happened without CS because John would not have stepped down this year if he thought the program would be in limbo. We'd all also like to thank AB.
  18. Just guessing good money and they prob told him he'd be first in line for the job but it wasn't a head coach in waiting. And if AB had not beat DT ...
  19. I thought Coleman was a big boy? And you really don't think he didn't ask or John and AD didn't explain the possible scenarios? I'm not sure surprised with pastry boy but ...
  20. There are cows in Oklahoma. I know a guy with a ranch west side of town that'd be happy to take them in.
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