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Everything posted by ionel

  1. is he eligible for a gymnastics redshirt?
  2. This is why the Unicorn migrated south, he wins all fantasy coaching meets below 42 degrees against The Dake.
  3. But Cornell? The Dake can only survive so long in State College, he will soon have to migrate back north.
  4. Europe has been much better at this. Although I don't know about their wrestling forums.
  5. Pretty sure aren't spending TBP $s on wrestling and believe most of it probably tied up committed, this is new money.
  6. But think if it was Iowa, although Dake prob can't live in a southern state below 42 degrees.
  7. And NM1965 is regretting leaving Oklahoma as he now realizes there is $1B+ in Tuttle.
  8. Are you aware of how they were able to afford DT?
  9. If you give a BobDole and a Poopy its kindve like the old wtf. But its always good to throw in a banana or two.
  10. ... don't forget Mark Perry. Are you suggesting head coaches should never encourage assistants to move on?
  11. I am familiar with working cattle operations, we had dairy, feader calves and cow calf(not all same time). But if he ain't milking em or eating em and there ain't no bulls then ... Also 3 is hardly a "working" operation, no need to sell em, bring them to Oklahoma.
  12. Maybe you are being too harsh. There's another way to look at it. Joe is simply saying we should base policy on what 2 year olds think.
  13. The Illinois Izzy Martinez correct?
  14. Says the guy who last threw his shot almost 220 years ago.
  15. Yeah that's all I ever saw. To be a "working farm" wouldn't one of them cows need to be a bull?
  16. Nah ... we or someone else ate em before they had a chance and they were delicious (see smoker meat thread for reference).
  17. Ok we keep hear about "the farm" so how many acres and how many cows? All I've ever seen are pics and video of a small hobby farm not what most would call a farm or a ranch.
  18. Getting back to finance and 8% rate of returns, how much money can a billionaire throw around per year just off the return?
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