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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Can anyone tell us if Mrs. Lee will be wearing new glasses or contacts?
  2. "Filling error?" Sounds a lot worse than the Fix situation. Should Daton have really taken the blame just because Derek's yellow post-it note that said "WT members: don't drink from the water bottles" fell off the garage fridge? Everyone knows about the wind in Oklahoma. C'mon Man!
  3. Don't you kindve have to transfer at a point in time to be accepted into grad school? Usually there's two chances per academic year.
  4. Anyone else know why all these university folk are still wearing face masks? I live in a blue state and hadn't seen one for ~6 mo till just a couple weeks ago. In line for coffee in front of me, of course she barely had it over her mouth not covering the nose. But maybe she was a mouth breather or had the covid and was simply protecting the rest of us in line?
  5. ... how many are there now? Russia v Ukraine Hamas-Iran v Israel ? on the horizon: Venezuela v Guyana https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/14/americas/venezuela-essequibo-guyana-csis-intl-latam/index.html feel like I'm missing one.
  6. Think you nailed it in the first sentence, not "lesser" just "different evils."
  7. Maybe they should take the case to NY, don't believe evidence or standing is necessary up there.
  8. Believe they may still be looking at Caldwell (no golds).
  9. But if you select exclude "Jimmy Cinnabon" is there anything?
  10. Kind've limits his NIL stash don't ya think? That seems unlucky.
  11. Aren't they both out of college now, maybe hence not much talk?
  12. Believe this had been posted on the old board. Someone might know but with NIL it is kind've a small factor. In today's world you prob need full funded and $25M plus in the NIL bank to be competitive.
  13. ... be careful there, look what happened to @flyingcement ...
  14. The portal is closed: https://futurism.com/the-byte/portal-dublin-nyc-shut-down-onlyfans-model
  15. Surely he has a brother inlaw they could bring in.
  16. But if a Michigan, Illinois &/or Oregon St. can't make it how can a new CA or TX school?
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