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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Watched the national news tonight. Was expecting to see an on the ground interview and video from Buffallo as well as Myrtle but nothing. BTW: who won the $9 prize package?
  2. I was saying you in a general way to indicate most folks out there. But maybe your grandmother can set up a trust on an LLC in your name so you can get in on the action.
  3. Wrestlestat.com provides good info: https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/duals https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/tournaments
  4. Disputable. I've checked with Wkn and our local legal expert VAK and there's nothing in the rules that would prevent you from posting your Speedo Pic of the Day.
  5. We are all waiting to see IWB's posted right here.
  6. There are so many things wrong with that photo.
  7. Is this Uncle Bernie's doing? https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-name-conspicuously-absent-from-maps-on-chinese-internet-report-2023-10
  8. Please don't ask Wkn about the fictitious pf!
  9. I would guess a civilization can define a civil union as whatever they want but I have not recently stayed a a HIx so ...
  10. and some would suggest lets just have civil unions and give them all the tax etc benefits of current marriage. Is anything wrong with that in a free civil society?
  11. And yet there are still these my brother has one except its a diesel King Ranch (its the nice truck 8' bed) and I was using it just a couple weeks ago to pull the 20,000 lb loaded seed tender. Its built for pulling & hauling stuff. He has 3 other pickup trucks all have 250k or 350k+ miles on them. There is no time to stop & charge vehicles.
  12. Pretty sure you meant that reply for GWN. ;_;
  13. And wasn't Obama the President who decided to assassinate a US citizen, what's your point?
  14. In this digital AI etc age there is really no reason we can't use fractions in scoring. I say a reversal should be: Two point Fiiiiive!
  15. I was close but was really wanting the immediate impact at 157.
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