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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I'd rather stare into the upcoming solar eclipse.
  2. https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/duals https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/tournaments *apologies in advance to MP
  3. Sump'n i don't wanta see cause fraid be difficult to unsee. Thus don't wanta keep up with you on that.
  4. Yeah but Fix just destroyed a kid who gave him a very hard match last year. Vito just lost to a kid (a true youngster) that no one outside of Bethleham was talking about. Thus by transitive destruction property ... I kid
  5. Don't forget the speedo.
  6. Really enjoyed the "wrestle know nothing era."
  7. Bob gave you 15 minutes. Maybe she is just getting into the spirit of turkey day.
  8. Think about the guys who couldn't make weight at 1498 and had to go 285B.
  9. ... and pretty sure he has trademark on the guarantee.
  10. Pretty sure only fly can make guarantees on these here forums.
  11. I'm sure Cael has a plan. This year the plan may be to score twice as many points as 2nd place regardless of what happens at 125.
  12. Probably similar both institutions. Generally kids or spouse would be an add on to policy costing something extra per month. If both spouses working one would look at both policies to see which has the better options vs price for adding on kids. Thus family might not even be on his policy.
  13. Surely someone has the data on all thru history who've done this, or maybe any who've won a tournament doing such?
  14. With the new 3pt td rule he doesn't want appear greedy, gonna win Iowa old school way.
  15. So the Ferrari got riden out but there was no riding time point?
  16. Hamiti is on a collision course with a Fish, does @flyingcement know?
  17. Is Bormet allowed in the corner today?
  18. I used to live in Illinois, not sure if I still retain my right to vote after death.
  19. https://gcaptain.com/thermal-runaway-of-lithium-ion-battery-destroys-tankers-bridge/ Think of the potential damage from a big battery on a small ferry.
  20. Don't forget the swimmer! We'd know nothing of historic stats and fictitious pinfells if not for the swimmer.
  21. Are MP and I the only ones that saw that shot fly right over @Interviewed_at_Weehawken's head? Suppose prob better that a hip shot.
  22. Maybe he just doesn't like trash cans.
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