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Everything posted by ionel

  1. @MPhillips's got some splain'n to do ...
  2. I now have this image burnt into my mind of Wkn wearing nothing but a speedo and broken glasses. Please help me MP!
  3. To the one question: no its a different sport. Cael puts out a great product but he is growing his kingdom not supporting or growing NCAA wrestling. Review the national duals etc. MI and tOSU are similar. Yes one is mostly grad transfers the other incoming recruits. But when you have kids with options but offered $100/200k for a one year grad transfer or half million for 5 year out of high school they mightve really wanted to consider other options but its mostly now about the money. And everyone knows most programs can't compete with the MI, PSU and tOSU money. Sure that train has left the station, Cael threw the first coal in the boilers but there's only a small handful of programs that can keep up. It destroyed the 9.9 parity and it isn't growing the sport. But maybe we don't really want to grow the sport as we'd really rather go to NCAAs every year just to see PSU double the score of a possible 3 teams vying for second?
  4. Let's not get into actual facts and statistics here.
  5. I'm sure @MPhillips now considers you as on the bus.
  6. Ok ... you got that last part right ... but .. back to the A&M thing. Maybe it means A&M has so much money to throw away that no one would notice if they lost $10M on wrestling.
  7. I've seen speculation but no idea what the real word is. I do know that watching Williams last year he has a lot of talent but still made some head scratching decisions/moves. I'm just saying Travis looked good against the competition he faced. Would Williams have looked better? I have no reason to believe so. Still ... against top competition ... who knows? BTW: word is the have an upcoming small open tournament where some may attend. Starters are going to Cliff Keen in Dec, not sure if extras can enter. So we might see some of the questions entering that next tournament.
  8. Fix could go above Vito by the fact that he hasn't lost this year (I know thin data). Sure it doesn't matter but I don't think Crookham will want to go into GIA as the #1 in the country. By mid Dec it will be worked out as the round robin between the three should be complete.
  9. Is it only the silent generation that speaks (or doesn't) of this twit thing?
  10. what is this "twitter" thing you speak of?
  11. John was going to call Cael and then he remembered what he did to Bobbie D.
  12. Also look at their record before stealing signs and look at their record in bowl games when they didn't know who to steal from then compare to in conference record when they were stealing signs. How did they get so good?
  13. Crookham will face Fix in December so really no reason to bump him to #1 till then. He'd prob be better off not going into GIA as the #1.
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