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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I like it but how about 32 man bracket, seed 16 and use you wins only approach?
  2. Why didn't I think of that? Go for it, it might work.
  3. Yes I know, you are the one who first told me about this wonderful place. I'd simply been hanging out waiting for the new wrestling season. Plus I've seen the crude still sticking to you when you came back over to the college & international boards.
  4. I have actually harvested agricultural products. Most folks eat more than lettuce.
  5. We don't need courts or a democratic process, one man has spoken. “I think it’s self evident” that Trump is an insurrectionist, Biden told reporters after stepping from Air Force One in Milwaukee. “But he certainly supported an insurrection. There’s no question about it. None. Zero,” Biden said. “
  6. How many courts saw it the other way?
  7. Re read the 14th: the VP, congress etc need to be convicted but its very specific when it talks about the "President", he/she only needs to be accused, implied, speculated, etc of maybe doing some thing wrong.
  8. I'd give you a hah hah but first need to know if you've had a vasectomy?
  9. I'm confused: can both these things be true at once?
  10. please please ... no one wants another generation of no nothings!
  11. I've said this for years, hasn't happened, prob never gonna happen. Why do we even have 33 vs just 32? Its stupid. I'd compromise say seed 12 but again 8 ... 12 ... never gonna happen.
  12. how'd they get into Mexico the first time?
  13. Have you ever been on a farm or worked construction, am assuming you've eaten at a restaurant? Think you meant you might have to mow your lawn yourself and you might not get your house re-roofed as soon as you want. These straight over the border illegal immigrants aren't taking over farm machinery operations, the high tech stuff today is more complicated than flying airplane and you've gotta be able to communicate for both. Construction, you really think we are building skyscrapers and houses with folks who just came over the border and can't communicate with the foreman? Re-roofing shingles yeah maybe after they've been trained. Last roof job I went with local company a guy who I knew thru wrestling coaching, but during the job there was one guy on sight who could speak enough English to know to make the call to the guy who could speak English. Do we need 10k new roofers per day, maybe?
  14. Williams made a new set of mistakes, learned and got out of them. Robb hasn't had practice at mistakes, made one & done.
  15. And remember this match would be at 7,200 ft, Chris has been eating ice-cream & cookies at 950 ft. I think you nailed it.
  16. Arresting people for doing illegal things just seems wrong. Law enforcement enforcing the law, what will be next?
  17. What would happen if Mark Branch and Chris Perry went at it after and wouldn't you pay double to see that?
  18. Hey now ... its kindve fun to take a dip in the cesspool once a week.
  19. Wkn may not know much but he has an impressive AA book. Ya done good to make it in.
  20. I've been on my own crusade, happy to join yours. @BobDole ran away and hid when his shenanigans were brought to light.
  21. Everyone appreciates a handy portajohn 100%.
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