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TitleIX is ripe for reform

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Everything posted by TitleIX is ripe for reform

  1. I'm reading it now. If he's innocent, what a horrible shame. Something like this could happen to anybody, male or female. It's wise to be precautious, is it not? Meanwhile, there are those who wonder how what he allegedly did, if he did it, is worth over 2,500 days in jail plus hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to pay for his housing, etc. in jail. In contrast, folks get punched and the culprit doesn't even serve time. There's a fairly new post in The Zoo about the impunity.
  2. Later on in the article it says: "Trump did not attend the civil trial and was absent when the verdict was read." [His lawyer] defended Trump’s absence [for the entire trial], citing the trial’s “circus atmosphere.” He said having Trump there “would be more of a circus.”....Tacopina added: “What more can you say other than ‘I didn’t do it’?” ...ELSEWHERE the article says: Trump, 76, denied it, saying he never encountered Carroll at the store and did not know her. He has called her a “nut job” who invented “a fraudulent and false story” to sell a memoir.
  3. I think so, but I am not 100% sure. The allegations were over something that took place circa 1995, after all. That's even worse than what Dan Masterson endured r/e 20+ year old allegations against him (landing him in jail for as many as 30 years if his appeal doesn't succeed). Meanwhile Bill Cosby went to jail over 2005 charges, if I (vaguely) remember correctly before winning his appeal.
  4. Your points are well taken. FWIW, I didn't make this post to encourage folks to choose Donald Trump over other candidates. But the guy seems to know how to fight off of his back in ways that thrill the crowds. Resilience mixed with charisma can be impactful, as his poll figures show. By the way, I'm not aware that he was ever criminally convicted of a sex offense, was he? There was a civil dispute mixed with defamation allegations over something happening in bed nearly 30 years ago. Donald Trump disputes that he lost but I think he wound up owing $1.5 million, earlier this year. My knowledge of the dispute is admittedly fuzzy. I think it was a New York jury that found against him. I'm not surprised by that any more than I am by the pair of impeachments. The process has become weaponized, and has lost prestige and importance in the minds of a growing quantity of folks. Some folks think the impeachment of Bill Clinton was over-done and unnecessary. But along the way he did say he didn't have an inappropriate relationship with that woman, Monica Lewinsky... only for her dress to help disprove that. Meanwhile he was being sued, maybe by Paula Jones, for alleged sexual harassment. She got what... maybe just under $1 million as a settlement? I don't recall the specifics and I'd rather research other things. Like Monica jokes: https://upjoke.com/monica-lewinsky-jokes As for Donald Trump's being a "serial criminal", I gather that he stated some of his properties were larger than they actually are. The lenders and others were invited to consult their own experts to get informed alternative opinions. If the figures were prepared and submitted quickly, without much concern for accuracy, I don't see that as fraud so much as being busy and having numerous priorities and sloppy at times. As for the classified documents that he had with him, I'm admittedly more concerned but I also gather that Joe Biden (as V.P.) had plenty of those with him at his residence. He wasn't prosecuted though. He wasn't prosecuted for allegedly stealing another man's wife, either, even as alienation of affection is a thing in some (but remarkably few) states. And as for Joe Biden's son Hunter...well... the layers of that onion are gradually being peeled back and we're learning some potentially interesting things. Anyhow as you know, wrestling enables one to learn, early on, how to cope with adversity and proceed with optimism. It seems that that rubbed off on Donald Trump. It helps show why our sport's so worth preserving and cultivating, for men & women. May he continue to bridge off of his back while preparing for making a reversal...
  5. The more he's indicted, the stronger this former wrestler's political polling performance becomes... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/how-91-felony-charges-boosted-trump-s-standing-in-the-gop/ar-AA1i9IFh Is this anarchy? Personally I think it's reflective of how a growing quantity of folks distrust the gubmint and feel it's weaponized against certain people who could otherwise jeopardize the in-crowd's gravy train and steady supply of our tax dollars. But I fool myself (and at most a few others) if I fail to acknowledge that our national debt grew somewhere around $8 trillion (right?) during his four year presidency. Still, at least with him in charge, certain special interests didn't try to pull as many stunts as saboteurs as they do now. Knowing he was in the White House meant that for a few years, folks in the U.S. were less likely to rush to call one another "racist" and "sexist" and that sort of thing. Even CNN was concerned about its image of being "fake news" after he publicly called it that during a press conference. Call him what you will but that former wrestler is feisty. And many folks polled respect and admire it. I'm glad to have a wrestling background because the sport instills courage, among other things. Aren't you glad to be a former wrestler, too? Meanwhile...
  6. By "does a McCarthy" do you mean make major concessions including the one that recently enabled Matt Gaetz to oust McCarthy with just his lone petition? At any rate, I'm glad folks in the House are putting some thought into their votes and not "going along to get along." The USA has problems.
  7. Rep. Jordan is making progress but he still needs more votes to get to be House speaker: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4254931-jim-jordan-wins-speaker-nomination/
  8. Nor for yours. I stated factual assertions which you didn't refute. You simply engaged in ad hominem slaps while continuing to embrace the soft bigotry of low expectations. Back to wrestling... I'm glad folks here seem to care about Russia's encroachments in Ukraine, etc. I do wish there was less (alleged) corruption in the Ukrainian procurement process, though. I do not want to see them lose even more of their autonomy because folks refrain from helping out of fear that they're enriching fat-cats instead of actually helping Ukraine. Then again nearly everyone I know who pays property taxes feels the same way about their local public schools, some of which get football stadiums costing around $100 million while the kids don't learn & retain little more than mere wokeness. At least h.s. wrestling in the USA doesn't have that problem, for the most part.
  9. I remember CC's successful Olympic bronze-winning endeavor in '92 (in Barcelona, Spain). He subsequently provided endorsement for a pain relief product company, maybe Bayer. I recall that he lived on food stamps while training, according to one of his interviews. Well done for a 38 year old at the Olympics.
  10. What weight class would be sacrificed if 118lbs. returns?
  11. Indeed. Anyhow I vaguely recall that around 3 wrestlers died within a few months of one another, maybe in 1997. We haven't had the same problem since the reforms went into effect, right?
  12. You drive a big Dodge vehicle? Electric, hybrid or a pure petroleum play? Either way, thanks for buying American.
  13. Jim Jordan is once again in the spotlight regarding the speaker of the House opportunity: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/scalise-eyes-jim-jordan-house-speaker-race/story?id=103956663
  14. My focus in this thread has been merely on the sexual assault allegations that were waged against the former NCAA D1 champion from Oklahoma State, A.J. Ferrari. As we've seen, nobody is immune nowadays. When reasonable doubt exists, it's important to recognize it. Going to prison for decades despite being innocent must be pure Hell. It has happened all too often. Our system's arranged to let some guilty folks go free so that innocent folks won't go to prison. But it's still important to get consent and have evidence of it later, if surprisingly accused of something. And when the deed is illegal, it's important to avoid committing it. If just one innocent person avoids prison because of my posts this week on the (delicate, according to some) subject, it will have been worth the grief that a small minority of victimologists here have thrown my way. A good weekend to all....
  15. Thanks for sharing that. A few years ago, Ben Askren suggested that we consider focusing our energies on building up wrestling in the NAIA and the NCWA rather than continue to feel excluded and frustrated with the NCAA D1 league. When the U. of Oregon demands tens of millions of dollars to reinstate wrestling, and is (reportedly) hardly alone in that regard, it's difficult to disregard Ben's suggestion that we evaluate our efforts and consider refocusing regarding their destinations.
  16. This thread's about whether or not Russian wrestling should be boycotted based on what's been going on in Ukraine. As I recalled the disappointment of one of my teenage wrestling heroes regarding the 1980 boycott of the Moscow Olympics (Lee Kemp), and as I've discussed policy issues with Jimmy Carter in person, I participated in this thread. The discussion was expanded by someone (not me) regarding sanctions involving South Africa. So according to the vocal minority (not the silent majority) here, not drinking the anti-European colonist Kool-Aid about who is (supposedly) really to blame for 60 thousand years of (still ongoing) malaise in sub-Saharan Africa = racism? Wow. And to address a nonrelevant criticism raised by a member of that vocal minority in this thread, not drinking the Kool-Aid about whether or not to second guess allegations made against women & men regarding sexual assault supposedly = abhorrent? Wow. No wonder so many parents refrain from advising their children to wrestle. Why should it be different? It's not like amateur wrestling's community lacks people who eagerly jump aboard bandwagons with conclusory accusations and self-righteous proclamations that don't withstand intellectual scrutiny very well. Phony allegations of racism and sexism are not foreign to the amateur wrestling community, so what's so special about the sport? Ron DeSantis has outlasted his critic Will Hurd (who recently abandoned his own presidential campaign) because Ron stands for societal unity through open debate and acceptance of folks with opposing views. Will is featured at the end of this brief video, which was recently produced before Will abandoned his presidential bid. Florida lacks NCAA D1 wrestling, unlike during yesteryear. Why should Florida's leaders pursue reinstating it, when some in the community advocate censorship and cancelation of those disagreeing with them?
  17. In Holm's case, I can think of alternative explanations for the DNA that was found on her leg, but I'm not saying he's innocent. I mentioned him mainly to try to show that A.J. Ferrari isn't the only fellow wrestler to be accused while denying the allegations. Precaution is worth exercising, and very adequate consent is increasingly well worth obtaining in ways that can subsequently be shown to a jury or at least a judge, if needed. Especially in California, where they enacted a law called something like "yes means yes" a few years ago. As for Ann Coulter's article written when the Rolling Stone had to apologize and still pay (conceivably) millions for defaming a female administrator @ U.Va., she cited to (among other things) a U.S. Air Force study. Perhaps accusers in the armed forces have an added incentive to come clean when questioned about inconsistencies in one's story. There are actual consequences for lying. One can't simply go bonkers and run out of the court room (forever) a minute or two into "testifying", like what happened to the accused former state rep. from Idaho who is mentioned above. He can be released in another 7 years if there's good behavior and such. But he does not admit to guilt, and they might use that against him. There's online video testimony of his ongoing denial made to the judge during the sentencing hearing. I bet he wishes he had never given that intern the time of day. Bill Clinton got disbarred over his own denials regarding an intern, but at least Monica never accused him of stuff like plenty of other women have. Personally I think we've discussed the rape topic enough and I hope it has enabled enough fellow (former) wrestlers here to realize that it's best to exercise strong precaution. We have to look out for one another if we're to rebuild and fortify our sport like society deserves for us to. A good weekend to all...
  18. Thanks. I remember the deaths and the allegations that Creatin was to blame. I appreciate your helping me align my memory of the 118 lbs. weight class elimination better.
  19. I blamed rape victims? Saying what, precisely, and where? As for "colonizers who oppressed them"... if your neighbors, whose residency in your neighborhood predates yours, restrict you from being on their property, is that oppression? If you get to drink water and enjoy cable-based internet and t.v. because they cleared the way for it all without your help before you arrived, is that oppression? When Gov. Ron DeSantis says this sort of stuff, do you have a similar knee-jerk response to him, saying someting's not right in his head? If you disagree with someone and they say there's something that's not right in your head, are they correct? Enquiring minds wanna know. But not that much, so if you choose not to reply meaningfully, I'll neither be disappointed nor surprised.
  20. Rep. Jordan's hat's back in the ring now that Steve Scalise has withdrawn his bid for House Speaker: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/10/11/mace-house-speaker-jordan-democrats-scalise-jake-tapper-lead-vpx.cnn
  21. I'd be interested to know why you think so.
  22. I have read that Coach Bobby Douglas traces his roots to what is now South Sudan, which has an impressive wrestling tradition. Here's a very brief (1 minute long) video of how South Sudan strives for peace among otherwise warring tribes by periodically hosting wrestling competitions between them. Such showdowns are well attended and of considerable community interest.
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