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Everything posted by Nittany

  1. Says the guy from Purdue (a top engineering school!). Just yanking your chain...
  2. ...a #1 seed take 8th or a #7 seed take 1st? I'm guessing yes, but has to be prior to 2010.
  3. It is interesting that the probability distribution for the #1 and #8 seeds have the least uncertainty (most divergent from a uniform distribution) while the probability distributions for the #3 and #4 seeds have the most uncertainty (least divergent from a uniform distribution). So, on average, I'd say the seeding committee gets things pretty much right over the long-haul: #1 seeds are most likely to place #1 while #8 seeds are most likely to not AA, and its more or less anything goes with the other seeds, especially #3 and #4.
  4. Nittany


    You just used "ain't" in your comment about correcting the misuse of "your".
  5. I always thought AC/DC Shoot to Thrill would be a good one. Great opening riff and while "shooting to thrill" no doubt had a different meaning, it works here too.
  6. I'm indifferent to Byers. Sparks just says dumb shit...and with enthusiasm.
  7. Gibbons is a plus, Sparks not so much.
  8. I especially liked the "interlocking fingers call". WTF?
  9. I just don't think this is that hard. Wrestler A shoots on wrestler B from neutral, for example, and wrestler B's counter to avoid being taken down is to dive for wrestler A's legs. Once one or both ankles are secured, he waits for the stalemate call since he cannot improve. Call it what it is...stalling. Now, if wrestler B can improve and score, I have no problem with the technique as a precursor to securing a takedown of his own.
  10. ...that results in a stalemate, nay, is executed to result in a stalemate, is just stalling.
  11. Oh, and I disagree that no one tunes in to BTN or ESPNU for anything but college football. I don't watch college football but will tune in for a college wrestling match (only).
  12. Why not just access BTN and ESPNU remotely using your parent's cable credentials. No need to go visit them, although they probably appreciate that.
  13. Allred tossed his headgear (with a little spirit) after pinning Voelker. Honestly, it wasn't much but rules are rules. UNI had already lost a team point so none of it mattered.
  14. "While historically a top 3 program in everyone’s mind who remembers wrestling before cael at penn state, I can’t recall the last time okie state had a real murderers row. " 2005: 125 (8th), 141 (4th), 149 (1st), 165 (1st), 174 (1st), 197 (1st), HWT (1st). Sadly, that was nearly 20 years ago.
  15. He did get older and that usually matures people a bit. Correlation or causation?
  16. Nagao has perfected the parallel ride, for what that's worth.
  17. I don't know, I watched quite a few duals in West Gym. Is it old? Yes. Hot? You bet. A throwback to 1950s wrestling/gym sports? Absolutely. I always thought it was a great venue though and I'm sad to see it go.
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