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Everything posted by TexRef

  1. It does look like a beautiful campus online. I was worried about the program as a whole with the situation that they had this past offseason. I guess things are BAU now? I see that they are promoting a 125 pounder that they recently signed, that is always a good sign.
  2. Or Morgantown? Beers, cheers, Mountaineers is kinda catchy
  3. Would he end up in Columbus or Athens?
  4. Yeah I am not a great poster, but my officiating is a little better
  5. I took some time away from the sport and when I returned to Officiate and coach, being on the mat was therapy. I have a friend that was a 3X AA and a runner up at OU. He doesn't talk about his career or his finals match. He is also an Official and over the years I have seen him turn into the grumpy old school Official that doesn't like ANYTHING new, no celebrations, and no scrambling.
  6. Chris Fleeger was an AA for Purdon't back in 2006. But I would say that your assessment was good enough for government work. They do have a cool looking mat though.
  7. If Wiscy moves down to D3, then Bono can develop the younger guys.
  8. I agree with your assessment, until Tier 3. I would swap out Wiscy for Purdue and then move Maryland up to Tier 4. Just sayin....
  9. Does PSU finally break the 125lb curse? Davis looks impressive.
  10. YIKES! Bono makes that much?! Holy Toledo Batman
  11. Why insult D2 like that?! I say drop them to D3! They could have a dual at Carthage College in Kenosha.
  12. You can't blame that ugly mat on whether or not this site compresses a picture lol
  13. Sounds like you went to Brandon HS
  14. Ok, I'll bite. Who are the top states that have a number of matches as part of the seeding?
  15. This event seemed like it was gaining some traction, even though the timing was during the HS postseason. Any news?
  16. Don't we talk about this every season? I feel like we talk about ASU & Illinois coming up short every season. They both have great recruits and it seems like Chlebove is coming on as of late. I am surprised that he didn't transfer and get closer to home.
  17. Keep in mind that there is not a riding time point in HS, so they should be looking to improve. I have called stalemate when the top guy has a leg in and there was not a clear option for either of them to improve. The next time the top guy created that same situation, I called him for stalling. They should be smart enough by then, to know to move on to something else. Oh and I have never called double stalling. That just seems like a bs call, even with heavyweights. It is as bad as hearing a coach yell "FREE MOVE!"
  18. Or some spinnie flippie chit to the gawds....
  19. Asking for a friend...Who has bootleg streaming, is there a way to record?
  20. Maybe they will start a prison wrestling dual?! They have cut out the prison rodeos. There could be a prison circuit and sell tickets. This could be a way for the prisons to make money, as most of them have cut out the prison farms.
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