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Everything posted by Doublehalf

  1. So does this mean Nick Lee didn't qualify us the spot at 65kg? I literally just read an article for the Pan Am championships said it was qualified and now Flo saying it isn't qualified and now we are looking as last chance qualifier as our only hope? If so, who will be in Turkey at last chance that would stand in our way at placing top 3 at 65kg? Can't believe Lee let up on the gas pedal like that against Gomez, just seems like he stopped wrestling after getting his lead...
  2. Boggles my mind how people hold onto the whole 'Cornell lawyer' arguement from close to 5 years ago as a reason to not like Cornell by a coach that isn't even there anymore ... Feels like the same kind of people that are mad when they show Taylor Swift on tv during a football game for 3 seconds.... Anyway, I thought the film was great and hard not to like the guys that are all in it, all seemingly real and genuine human beings that care for each other. Love them in Greys' parents' basement before final x working out and shooting the shit which reminds me of my days with teammates in high school... last but not least, I love what a family feel our sport has and how deep the relationships between coaches and athletes run.
  3. I don't know if I'd agree with that... Not long before Stutzman got there Biechner had the team at almost a top 25 level in 05/06. Biechner certainly had some difficulties recruiting in a similar way Stutzman probably does but I've heard a lot about Stutzman being more of an old timey coach that hasn't evolved with the times. Also- I think he had almost 10 wrestlers hit the transfer portal last year which may be up there with some of the highest out going transfers from any team.... I for one would like to see newer younger blood in Buffalo to get more energy back into the program.
  4. US running the table in the lower weights.... Micic, Vito, maybe Seabass, Zain, hopefully Dake next...
  5. Is this the queue for someone to start the thread - "David Taylor the best 2 time NCAA champ ever?"
  6. Well if you take into consideration an initial redshirt year... 4 standard years of eligibility, throw in an Olympic redshirt (or two), a possible medical redshirt, not including a free eligibility year... you could potentially wrestle on the same team in college as your future son...
  7. Just like I full on jumped on the Colorado Buffaloes wagon, I am getting a Puerto Rican flag Rush delivered to my house to wave during his finals tomorrow in my living room in NY...
  8. And the Tasmanian Devil wasn't going to beat the Russian Tank...
  9. Would anyone have guessed that Rivera could be the one to break the Gold Medal drought at 65kg for the US?? I mean, Puerto Rico is a territory of the US and only a matter of time before it becomes a state...
  10. I know this is a stretch on using the transitive property and blatant homerism as well as disregard for the butterfly effect..... but one could assume that if Yianni was our rep he would have had the 2 seed and had a walk into the semis and basically the finals to set up a rematch with Iran who he has continually gained ground on from their previous two matches... oh so close and I know one has to get out of the US first... That being said, Iran was absolutely gassed at the end of the Lee match and Lee looked like he walked away with a moral victory from that one.
  11. I'm really pumped, this is my first Final X/WTT event I've been too.
  12. The BTS exec director said they are rolling lightest to heaviest across all 3 mats.
  13. Ok what do you think? Is Gable just too big for him? Is Saduleav the best ever and he'd take it to Gable? Would they need to meet at a catch weigh to make it interesting???
  14. Just wild Zahid is at this level and has a gas tank like that... does he really not train hard enough or is he biologically cursed?
  15. It was his back side run at OTT... everyone came out of the woodwork for him after that and since then he hasn't been all that impressive in my opinion.
  16. I know this is early but I saw Olympic Trial ticket information would be coming out soon. I'm dead set on going and wanted to see who had experience with the process/getting tickets and the trials experience in general ? Is it hard to get tickets to the event? How early should you book hotels and all that jazz... just want to make sure I do things right!
  17. Did anyone message you for these yet? Do you have the section # you can share as well?
  18. During his final and after his second takedown in particular, my phone started lighting up with texts and calls with friends saying they couldn't believe how quick he was. It was such a fun match to watch him just work over someone who has ran the table for the past couple of years. something I noticed especially in the start of the match was all the soft touching he was doing almost to set up his speed and attacks. He would barely touch RBY and his arms and hands were moving in an almost hypnotizing way then all of the sudden you would get a fast burst. Very much obvious the Eastern European/Russian type influence in his wrestling style. He described almost exactly how the match would go prior to his final in his post semi interview.
  19. This is hilarious.... for the people arguing "yeah but there are other factors like luck of the draw for 4xers...." are we forgetting Covid is playing a huge role in PSU possibly getting 4xers? An entire conference had to sit out a year that NCAAs took place... another comment- "Yianni took 2 years off" unbelievable... yeah he was just sitting around for two years. The guy was taking Olympic redshirts and couldn't control a once in a century pandemic and the Ivys choice not to participate. Yianni has spent more time than probably any other champ the last 2 years working on a completely different style of wrestling and took home a world silver at an Olympic weight. Some on here are very much talking out of both sides of their mouth which completey undermines the points they are trying to make. in 30 years no one is going to give a shit that Nolf had a lot of bonus points or that Yianni didn't have quite as many, but fans will always know who won 4... Most sports fans don't know Jordan's stats but they remember he rattled off 6 championships...
  20. You can have your opinions but since you bring up luck and draws etc... I distinctly remember a questionable call going Nolfs way to make it back to the finals against I believe Hidlay... yes he was dominant but he couldn't and didn't win 4.... and for what it's worth, Yianni and Dake did it as actual true freshman without a redshirt. Not sure why you would want to diminish that accomplishment:..
  21. I think it's worth noting how impressive it is for an Ivy school to have 2 4xers out of the 5 given the difficulty of recruiting top talent vs non Ivy. We can talk about the school of agriculture all we want but the lack of redshirting amongst other aspects make this really quite unbelievable... especially with all the success Iowa has had historically and PSU more recently, the fact that Mike Grey has a 4 timer before Cael is pretty wild and I hope they get a lot more looks from blue chip recruits around the country. They've more than proven they can take athletes and develop them and get them over the top with what I would view as less resources. Hats off to Cornell and can't wait for them to win a team trophy hopefully not in the too distant future.
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