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Everything posted by Doublehalf

  1. Foca wrestled the dumbest last 20 seconds I've ever seen... he's up by 3, gives up a stalling point and instead of just giving up another stalling point, basically stops wrestling and gives up the TD to lose by a point.... absolute stupidity
  2. Mekhi v Starocci is going to be really interesting
  3. Kinda brutal the lightest weights always have the shortest recovery period after weighins before competing. I wonder if the data would show that the majority of upsets come in the first few weight classes and if that could be a result of how guys respond to the weight cut?
  4. If Askey went to penn state would he be a top 4 seed? I joke...kind of
  5. Chittum was getting a ton of love in all the media run up to the tournament and I hadn't seen much of him this year and I'm a little disappointed
  6. App State came to wrestle today man... even the ones they've lost they've been competitive in every match
  7. "The scoreboards take a breath when he's on the mat because they know they're gonna be busy"
  8. Just wanted a thread where we could just post specific matches that are the most entertaining to watch/rewatch... With all the mats I know I'm bound to miss some great ones so if you see anything wild this weekend, let us know so we can go back and check it out if missed!
  9. While yes to the first part, his medals come at a non oly weight and the weight cut seems to do a number on him. Has he ever beaten anyone of note at 65kg outside of Yianni? It's like the penn state guys at 65kg train to just take out Yianni then can't string together a qualifying tournament for their life... whoever is our rep I'll be praying to the wrestling gods we squeak in. It's wild guys like Haji, Bajrang, Ochir haven't yet qualified. So true that the bracket draw will be monumental for our potential success or demise.
  10. Great interview, love the mindset and honestly a little jealous I didn't have that mindset growing up and even into my professional life sometimes. It seems so simple but I believe thinking that way has to be something you remind yourself to do constantly to get to that point.
  11. Kenny- First, I think you misread my post as you and I are in agreement on both matters so this could be a simple misunderstanding on your part... second and with all due respect... You are not the ultimate decider of what is or is not valid. Additionally, we are on a message board where all we do is speculate about matchups, qualifiers, outcomes etc... I and anyone else can speculate all they want. You don't have to like it, but you certainly aren't the gate keeper of what is allowed or not allowed to be speculated on. Regardless if you started the thread or not, this is an open discussion/forum. Your presumption of what I know or don't know is entirely off base.
  12. I think the point you might be missing isn't that he expressed his beliefs, it's that when he did, he also went out of his way to say that his god was the only true god. Most people speaking in good faith could probably agree that is an incendiary and unnecessary comment to make and probably crosses a line. I do think if he was Muslim touting similar sentiments it would not be well received which is where the hypocrisy lies... Which brings us to athletes kneeling, someone demonstrating their right to protest is a very American thing to do. Those that were kneeling werent also speaking into the camera saying that the only right thing to do is kneel and if you don't you're essentially wrong. I think it's anyone's right to express their beliefs, I just don't think anyone wants to hear that someone else's beliefs are wrong if they don't accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior... Devil is always in the details my friend.
  13. Agreed that Crookham had a great interview and as much as I love Vito- this kid is impossible not to like. Total class act in my opinion.
  14. I'm willing to bet the people that are chafed at those on here for expressing their opinion that they don't like how Brooks espouses his views on religion during interviews are the same people that got angry over NFL players kneeling during the national anthem which is quite the paradox...
  15. Yeah I attended a coaches clinic/social there a few years back when Flynn and co were still there so well aware of Baumgartners standing at the University but didn't think that really went past athletics...
  16. I was waiting the the whole match to see if they would get in a position like that and I loved every fleeting second of it... Hope they get to wrestle again at NCAAs and lock up in that position for 7 minutes straight
  17. Wow didnt know that... should one take that to mean they couldn't afford getting a coach with a more extensive resume at the college level given the dire financial straights the university is in?
  18. Crazy how fast edinboro bombed after Flynn left...
  19. Honestly I was yelling at him through my tv just like I do to our high school wrestlers when they pull stuff like that... it's maddening when he has to know that wasn't going to work and instead of bailing out he just goes to his back... I forget who it was yesterday but one wrestler was interviewed after overtime and he just said "Ive learned things like a good sprawl can win matches" it's so true but people still go for these crowd pleasers sometimes when it doesn't take anything outside of the basics to win... I say this as I lay on my couch nursing a sore neck from sleeping on it wrong...
  20. This is a Skip Bayless type of take trying to go so far one way with a circumstance without leaving any room for an intelligent and nuanced conversation. maybe you should apply to be on their show as the wrestling guest commentator to throw out some incendiary opinions to get the people talking!
  21. I watched it on Flo under 'brackets' and went to the specific match
  22. Looked like his left knee got torqued underneathe crookham. Really hoping it was more of a scare than a serious injury but this could be huge with Olympic Trials around the corner. If I'm not mistaken he has a bye into the challenge tournament semi finals... wonder if he would consider sitting out the NCAA tournament to be ready for OTTs. Then again, a lot of these guys are just on a different level and compete with all kinds of injuries.
  23. I think watching the match between Vito and Leete you can see how it's one where the whole time Vito was taken out of his normal style based on the visually impaired start. He couldn't level change or fake from space to set anything up and the guy he was wrestling just wanted to tie Vito up and headbutt him the whole time... don't think the kid from American took a shot the whole match and was honestly wrestling like an ass at the end of the match in my opinion lunging with his head into Vito's...
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