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Everything posted by Doublehalf

  1. Gable at Ilio DiPaolo (Resturant/Foundation that supports wrestling in the WNY area) Bocce tourney this past weekend...
  2. This is probably one of the coolest ideas I've heard in a longggg time. This would be absolutely amazing and be so fun to watch and cheer for...
  3. Some insightful things from brooks on what he thinks of DT... damn man, anyone that isn't doing bible study 5 days a week is persona non grata to him. I totally get how faith can help alleviate a lot of the pressure stress and anxiety that come with competing, especially at that level.... but just maybe, he beat DT because he is the younger dude and David was getting older and Brooks was becoming a better wrestler and in his prime. If people always want to say it's god's will, that's their prerogative but to insinuate you basically "walked on water" to beat DT is a little nuts in my opinion...
  4. One other thing I'll say.... I've gone over to the BWI forum and can't believe some of the people posting things about DT. How you can't be anything but happy for the guy is beyond me, not to mention tearing into him for not bowing down to Cael more in the presser (with John Smith sitting in the front row.) Some of those fans really are the worst...
  5. I echo everything above. Also, what really came across to me, was just how hard this decision was for him. You can really see on his face he struggled with it and every time penn state was brought up you could almost see the pain as he had to talk about what he was leaving behind. All that said, 100% agree that being uncomfortable is what drives growth and progress and I really hope he kills it there. Would love to see Oklahoma state return to the power that it was with a great group of guys wrestling for them.
  6. Not for nothing but Ryder and Duke were high school teammates so I assume they're fairly close. Obviously at the end of the day each one of them will do what's best for them but I'm sure they will talk to each other about it... There will be a case to be made for Taylor to say they won't have the log jam around their weights that PSU has and as long as they have some great partners in the room and like the color orange, it's a possibility.
  7. I've never been a huge OKST fan but I am pumped! I'm getting some OKST wrestling swag....
  8. Also with the transfer portal/NIL and its fluidity these days, Taylor could end up getting some big time transfers... just think of guys like Hendrickson and Alirez... if this was announced sooner who knows if they don't go there with him...
  9. His contract through 2029 I believe continues to step up each year in the 675-775k range from my understanding
  10. Let it begin! who do we have for assistants?? I have a feeling Mark McKnight goes out there with him for some reason. Dake I'm not sure about especially with what his family is going through right now... maybe after the Olympics and things settle down he could be a guy that heads out there... Does he keep Perry? Does Coleman want any part in it?
  11. This is really wild... makes the next several years much more exciting in the college landscape.... I get the feeling Taylor told them no maybe a time or two and they came at him with a huge bag of money and closed him. Has to be around a mill a year? I mean Brands if getting $700k+, they would definitely pay more than hat to get someone like Taylor
  12. Have to agree that outside of just athletics these schools are night and day different. For those that aren't aware, UB has an undergrad population over 20k students (about the same as Oklahoma st- not a small school by any standards) Edinboro is right around 3k. UB has a lot to offer academically to Threadkilla's point, multiple campuses and a larger surrounding city/economy. While I have heard from some close to Stutzman's regime that the AD is not trustworthy when it comes to this topic, I don't think comparing Vinson coming in to that situation is at all the same.
  13. Love it! I just don't see this post on their account? Is this a leak or are they waiting formally until tomorrow?
  14. Buffalo said they are announcing the new hire on Monday
  15. He's really good... I've been watching him wrestle in person for a while now
  16. Call me naive but I think it's nuts this is going on in our sport but on second thought with a country like AZE, and the more blatant corruption in that part of the world, it shouldn't surprise me. Just shitty that he didn't get the $300k anyhow after they literally stole that match from him.
  17. Clip of an interview from about 10 days ago or so talking about his training and also hits on Dake a bit saying he's not a champion yet essentially because he hasn't beaten everyone that should be in a fully loaded world/olympic bracket (ie Sidakov). Also talks about training with Burroughs and how he's lighting it up right now and more focused than he's ever seen. Seems to hold Jordan in much higher regard than Dake...
  18. My guy.... JB said what he did in response to a question from DC during Carter's' match. You need to let this one go, you're just digging a deeper hole.
  19. Oh boy here we gooo.... let's unpack this one at a time for you.... No one is above criticism nor did I claim he was. I merely was saying at this point in his career as with many other generational athletes at some point most people just show respect for their accomplishments due to how few have had that kind of success. I hated Tom Brady for years because he put my team in purgatory but after a while I just respected his greatness... Not even addressing your Ragusin/John Smith comments because it's not related to my post whatsoever. As for JB not being liked by his peers I'll use one of your quotes "Do YoU hAvE aNy eviDenCe to bAcK uP tHiS cLaiM..?" By the way, Michael Jordan punched his teammates in the face, Tiger Woods didn't talk to anyone in the locker room until his later years and the list goes on and on... I don't care, the guy is GREAT- along with that greatness comes a level of arrogance. Bo hasn't come close to JBs international success and he's demonstrating his own arrogance constantly... I'm not trying to be best friends with the guy, and he competes with many of his peers so of course there will be friction. As for charging money for camps? The dude is trying to make a living while he is most relevant, if people are willing to pay, so be it. Don't care. About starocci's international career- it's my opinion bro... just like you have yours, some may be right, some may be wrong - but either way I can voice my opinion whether you like it or not so take it easy with your "get off my lawn" post (I swear man, I've been on here and participated in this forum for years and you always seem to be the most argumentative person here.) Feel free to print this out and save it if it means that much to you to shove in my face after Starocci wins Olympic Gold and 6 world titles, and finishes top 3 in 3 others...
  20. Funny watching these guys go at Burroughs.... You'd think at this point in his career it would just be a lot of respect towards him regardless if you're a competitor in the same weight class or not considering he's basically on the wrestling Mt Rushmore... My personal opinion is Starocci could win all the NCAA titles he wants, he'll never be close to the international wrestler that JB is... This is one of those times where you just take the high road but build your brand and all that blah blah blah...
  21. This has been my sentiments as well over the years...
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