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Everything posted by cowcards

  1. Our answers are Dale Lewis of Oklahoma and Kirwyn Adderley of Norfolk State.
  2. Clue for both - The 2x national champ was also an olympian before he even wrestled in college. The other is a current Women's collegiate head coach who wrestled for a DII program that has been dropped.
  3. Fehlbergs was correct. This is going to be a 2 answer question: Back in the 20'-40's not wrestling in HS and being discovered during college intramural wrestling tournaments or because someone played football was decently common. However, as time has gone on that happens less and less. Name the last wrestler that didn't wrestle in HS but qualified for the national tournament? AND Name the 2x National Champ wrestler who was an all-state basketball player and only started wrestling in the military.
  4. You've got it! Can you name another set of (only) 4 brothers that wrestled at the national tournament for BYU?
  5. Now a clue - They all hail from the state of Idaho and wrestled for a program that no longer exists.
  6. I agree. There are so many awesome stories that have been lost to everyone. Hope I can bring a few back to life. I looked it up again and he worked in a canning company for a bit and then became a policeman. Figured he only had a semester or so to get a degree and decided to wrestle too with is last semester of eligibility.
  7. Why this isn't more prominent on the UWW website I don't know. But this has every UWW event. Click in the event and then Live Results and you can get the complete order of matches for the rest of the session. Tomorrow's is already up there. Results has better brackets, team scores, etc... https://arena.uww.org/
  8. None of them qualified for nationals and they wrestled for multiple teams. I know of Scott, Chase, Michael, and Kyle. Is there more?
  9. Do you remember the situation that caused it? I believe I read that Baer was incorrectly awarded an extra point that sent it to overtime where he pinned Harris. So they re-wrestled and Baer pinned him again. Had the error not occurred Harris would've advanced. Do I have that correct?
  10. Did he mention why he took the time off? I just read a few little snippets about him coming back. I can't remember what he was doing in the meantime.
  11. We all know about the Finesilver brothers from Duke. 4 brothers all qualifying for the national tournament for the same school. Did you know that's not the first time 4 brothers have wrestled AND qualified for the national tournament for the same school. There was actually a set of 6 brothers to do it!! Who were the brothers and what team?
  12. Al Blanshan of Minnesota-Mankato: D1 Runner up in 1959 and came back 10 years later to be a D2 runner-up and D1 qualifier in 1969. NAIA national Champ and runner-up as well.
  13. I'll give you a clue: He was an NAIA runner-up before his break and an NCAA runner-up the year he came back.
  14. Which wrestler had 10 years, without military service, between national tournament appearances?
  15. Dean Lohr was a 2x Champ and 1x Finalist Duane Goldman was a 4x Finalist and 1x Champ
  16. I'll have to look into this when I am done with Sanderson.
  17. Was my favorite series within the saga. Loved the Bean perspective. EVERYONE has told me to read Kingkiller series but I refuse because I don't want to be left wanting the last one. If he ever finishes it will be an immediate read.
  18. The lack of crossover is why I think I may skip the others. Although the Stormlight Archive is supposed to be really good too.
  19. I'm a big fan of reading completed series. I hate waiting for books to be released. Here is a few of some of my favorite series and highly recommend reading. Ender Saga (haven't read any that Card didn't write) Millennium Trilogy (Haven't read any of the books Larsson didn't write) Red Rising (still 1 more to go...) Iron Druid Chronicles I'm currently reading the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson and just learned that he has created a whole universe out of it with 40+ books. Not sure if I will end up reading all of them but it is likely.
  20. They used the old black marks system for a couple+ years. They have done it 4x actually. McDonald and Johnson were also runner-ups. So they had 7 that year!
  21. This is definitely one you need to understand the progression of the NCAA tournament format and rules.
  22. The 2 answers: Ralph Hammonds in 1928 Harold Byrd in 1940 Both started at Oklahoma State.
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