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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Right in there with Pizzagate and adrenochrome.
  2. Hanging out with != knows how to engineer software products.
  3. It's also ultimately futile against a determined and implacable enemy.
  4. lololol Their track record is moving in the opposite direction for site reliability.
  5. The reason people don't come forward is very similar to what's going on in India. Retaliation, dismissal, shunning.
  6. https://www.metroweekly.com/2023/04/anti-lgbtq-activist-kicked-out-of-bookstore-for-harassing-customers/ https://nypost.com/2023/05/25/ethan-schmidt-tears-down-target-pride-sign-over-lgbtq-merch/ https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/ethan-schmidt-arrested-phoenix-mesa-arizona-state-capitol https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/mesa-breaking/2022/06/13/ethan-schmidt-crockett-anti-lgbtq-activist-arrested/7617150001/
  7. A conservative friend told me I'm the most conservative liberal he knows...
  8. No, I'm saying that some people who spend lots of time demonizing gay people turn out to be closeted gay people themselves.
  9. Of course he was.... https://twitter.com/ReallyAmerican1/status/1663204555717320704
  10. Japan just had a situation like this. I know of one national level women's coach in the US who also has a sexual misconduct case pending.
  11. As for Epstein's little book, I say let the chips fall where they may. If someone was in on that shit, then they should burn. That being said, some of the kookiest hoaxes that large number of people believed, like Pizzagate, Adrenochrome, kitty litter boxes in classrooms, etc, etc, came exclusively from the right wing and was adopted whole cloth by the base.
  12. Some of you seem to be seeking out stuff I wouldn't want or have in my browser history. I do see lots and lots of news stories about GOP types caught with kiddy porn lately. Tell me, do you believe that democrats harvest adrenochrome from children?
  13. I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. I think you guys are being whipped into a frenzy just like "caravans of immigrants" and "welfare queens" and "they're coming to take you guns" and you guys are falling for it ... again.
  14. Then you should have no problem providing convincing evidence to support your position.
  15. From where I sit, I don't see that culture being pushed on kids, I see people being riled up by false statements.
  16. I gave actual issues of concern. See Offthemat's post above mine for your criteria, bub.
  17. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!! You guys got played.
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