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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Certainly, on the integrated circuit front, it's way, way past time for the USA to have home grown production. The CHIPS act has me hopeful.
  2. What the Georgia Runoff Revealed Please proceed, GOP.
  3. In other good news, Herschel Walker can now focus full-time on his policing duties.
  4. Derp. My fault trying to work and post at the same time.
  5. A 40' container has 2390 cubic feet of volume. It costs ~$10K to ship from China to the USA. 4'x8'x1/2" sheetrock is 1.33 cubic feet. That's about 1800 sheets of sheetrock per 40' container. That's about $0.55 per sheet in shipping. Even small gains on labor, material and energy costs will quickly dwarf the shipping costs. I'm not advocating for China based production, I'm just doing the math.
  6. lol, is this where you're getting your talking points?
  7. Well, this was an unexpected but welcome response. I think someone's having some fun with the name though. https://uww.org/person/masahito-takahashi
  8. If you aren't going to actually read what someone else posts, then you have ceased to be a useful conversational partner.
  9. Hmmm Twitter No Longer Has a Content Moderation Policy—and Appears to Be Hiding First Amendment Violations By the Trump White House While Viciously Targeting Twitter’s Progressives
  10. One guy's bald assertion using a weasel word. He references his own work which isn't even close to being conclusive (https://aibrt.org/downloads/EPSTEIN_MOHR_&_MARTINEZ_2018-WPA-The_Search_Suggestion_Effect-SSE-WP-17-03.pdf) This is bad science.
  11. Search for autocomplete in the pdf and tell me how germane that doc is for this conversation...
  12. An Onion Pastry. It's an acquired taste.
  13. Did you get into your kid's weed stash tonight?
  14. Occam's Razor says that the words you're seeing in the autocomplete are the most common words typed by other users. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If you're going to make the claim that Google is malignantly skewing the results of autocomplete, then you should bring some actual evidence.
  15. What a hysterical drama queen. https://deadstate.org/elon-musk-the-risk-of-me-literally-being-assassinated-is-quite-significant/
  16. Arizona certified its results today, which means: - Katie Hobbs is the Governor - Mark Kelly is still the Senator - Adrian Fontes is Secretary of State And Kari Lake is still a loser.
  17. Or maybe, just maybe, it's showing you what everyone else typed in before you started your query. Take the tinfoil off.
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