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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. 59kg Mongolia isn't doing enough to put us on the shot clock twice in a row.
  2. Hedrick lifts her out of bounds with double underhooks like a garbage truck lifting a bin. I didn't see that move coming.
  3. Never change, Flo. MONGOLIA 0 0 UNITED STATES 50 kg Otgonjargal DolgorjavVFA 4:44 6-0 0 0 Erin Golston 53 kg Otgonjargal GanbaatarVSU1 12-1 5:58 0 0 Felicity Taylor 55 kg Bolortuya Bat Ochir 0 0 Jacarra Winchester 57 kg Erdenesuvd Erdene 0 0 Jenna Burkert 59 kg Bolortuya KhurelkhuuVPO1 7-6 0 0 Jenna Burkert 62 kg Erdenesuvd Erdene 0 0 Alexandra Hedrick
  4. Golston got handled. Only got one shot off, never really threatened.
  5. Hoping to get a look at Winchester at 55s this match.
  6. How is being hung with a silk rope a good thing? You're making less sense than usual.
  7. Flo serving ads even in the "This event will begin shortly" period. SMH
  8. Elmo spent $44B to be that weird kid wiping his boogers on the window.
  9. Yeah, I'm sure that will drive the advertisers back to Twitter.
  10. Now for some brain candy. I must have heard/played this song a hundred times with my kids.
  11. A tribute for our Mongolian friends who brought both men's and women's teams to the World Cup.
  12. Yes. The guest list is crazy for that show. The chorus, the orchestra, the violins...
  13. It's strangely awesome, isn't it?
  14. Let's assume that every thing you are wailing about here is completely and utterly true, there is still no cause of action.
  15. She was pinned about 5 times. Center ref was dorking about and the camera people are morons.
  16. When you only take one decent shot for the whole match, you shouldn't be surprised when you don't win.
  17. And yet another camera zoom change that obscured the scoring action. D-
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