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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. https://www.today.com/news/wnba-star-brittney-griner-released-russian-prison-rcna60730 Maybe all the overnight prisoner swap experts can take a pill now.
  2. Too bad we don't have an eyeroll emoji.
  3. More to the point, what cause of action, either civil or criminal, for any of the 'wronged' do you see in this release? I see a company protecting their private property from brand damage by right wing whackadoodles.
  4. And? You're intimating that there's some sort of illegal behavior here. I don't see it. I see a company protecting its property.
  5. TL;DR - Twitter is a private company and doesn't want whackadoodles polluting their brand and killing their advertising...
  6. The hissy fit on the MAGA side over the Greiner liberation is one of those examples of absolute message discipline on that side. But it only works on them. It won't move the numbers, and Americans will welcome this as a win.
  7. Am I supposed to guess which comment this was?? Apparently, this has been bothering you for a while now.
  8. Comparing and contrasting. I'd prefer that we got all US citizens out. People complaining about Biden not getting Whelan out should look at what Trump did or didn't accomplish before shitting on Biden.
  9. Whelan was imprisoned in 2018. Who was president then? What about Otto Warmbier, the American college student that North Korea murdered while Trump was sending love letters back and forth with Kim Jong-Un?
  10. from the Whelan family: "There is no greater success than for a wrongful detainee to be freed & for them to go home. The Biden Admin made the right decision to bring Ms. Griner home, & to make the deal that was possible, rather than waiting for one that wasn't going to..”
  11. Unfortunately the Russians seem to view this as a criminal for a criminal swap while they view Whelan’s case as espionage which is a completely different threshold.
  12. Vice President Kamala Harris @VP · 1h United States government official While we celebrate Brittney’s homecoming, we remain committed to seeing Paul Whelan released. We will not relent in our efforts until Paul is home with family. We will not stop working to bring home every U.S. citizen wrongfully detained.
  13. For all the Republicans who are complaining about the ONE prisoner President Biden swapped for Brittney Griner, out of the 5000 Taliban prisoners Trump released, a report tracked 108 of them and found 68% were immediately re-integrated into the Taliban conflict.
  14. Yes. Would you want the USA to go to bat to get your daughter back? If Lout peeks his nose outside of Russia again, he'll eat an AGM-114.
  15. Maybe I'll be buying a new friend a beer in Belgrade...
  16. Maybe everybody could just take a breath?
  17. https://www.sherdog.com/events/Bellator-289-Stots-vs-Sabatello-94521 Bets?
  18. I don't do the photoshopping, I merely steal their work.
  19. Add in regulatory concerns (EU in particular).
  20. I see it differently. Biden is doing an excellent job and will run again, unopposed in the Democrat primary. Trump is toxic waste but won't be able to let anyone else run on the GOP side. The hot GOP civil war will commence in April/May timeframe.
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