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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Sorry, I was leaving to do some road patching and left a confusing post. I don't see mandates getting pushed out, at least in California. Modern batteries from my previous employer are getting 600-700 miles on a full charge. Range anxiety and charging hysteresis will go away with the newer battery chemistry and smarter charging circuits. Battery swap is a better solution. Lease the battery. I don't know that we'll see that technology in the USA any time soon though.
  2. As someone who has recently worked for an electrical vehicle company, I doubt this.
  3. Kyle said he was going to get the IT guys on it. Still broken and the matches are in < 24 hours...
  4. Controls are the handling information on the cover sheet or folder jacket of classified materials - redacting them means that the controls themselves are even so sensitive they aren’t able to show the public who owns or the protocols under which that document is managed.
  5. When the indictment has to redact the controls on a document, you know it's as bad as it gets.
  6. I've done a couple of gigs for defense contractors. This is SO BAD, it's really hard to overstate just how bad.
  7. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Pages 28-33 have a full inventory. It's mindbendingly bad.
  8. The indictment has been unsealed. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653/gov.uscourts.flsd.648653.3.0.pdf
  9. Surely, there must exist some jurisdiction that a promising and aggressive prosecutor is ready and willing to take these Burisma allegations to a grand jury? Surely... :crickets.wav:
  10. I'm gonna guess that we're both offended by that comparison.
  11. Good lord, there are actual tapes. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/09/politics/trump-tape-didnt-declassify-secret-information/index.html Game. Over.
  12. Double boots in with a lazy power half... What's the call?
  13. >48 hours, still not fixed. Does anyone have a contact number within Flow??
  14. Perhaps I should have said 'involuntarily drafted by' instead of 'get a job offer' ?
  15. Regardless, whatever anybody else did doesn't make Meadows any less culpable.
  16. He keeps doing things like that and he's gonna get a job offer from Flow...
  17. You don't have Flying Squirrels where you live.
  18. You know I love you... how did i do?
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