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Everything posted by Pipewrench

  1. Uncle Luke is in his 50's now, I believe....
  2. Might help wiping the stink off of tonight's performance.
  3. T n T must be losing their already addled minds.
  4. tOSU's mat needs a slight upgrade...looking a bit crusty.
  5. Another way to incentivize scoring in the first period. If no score then it would go to coin flip or fall back to odd or even matches. Thoughts or stupic idea?
  6. An appropriate "Soldier Salute" by the Ferrari's....all class.
  7. The logical and simple solution would be for ESPN to finally fire Quint K so he can't do those ridiculous ambulance-chasing-esque post-match interviews. Problem solved.
  8. Who were the guys that used to post their wrestling-related songs? For quite a long time, IIRC.
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