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Everything posted by Pipewrench

  1. Illini, do you ever watch Futagoyama beya YT channel? Good stuff. Hakkeyoi!
  2. Sumo f'n rules. Do yourself the favor and investigate it for yourself. Hakkeyoi!
  3. ***Please don't interview Brooks*** ***Please don't interview Brooks*** ***Please don't interview Brooks*** ***Please don't interview Brooks*** ***Please don't interview Brooks*** ***Please don't interview Brooks*** ***Please don't interview Brooks*** ***Please don't interview Brooks***
  4. Or NEPA, or WPIAL....stereotypes....right? We are better than that.
  5. Is it bad that I don't know 7 of the 8 names on my screen right now?
  6. Mats have ALWAYS been too close (along with timing tables) But the bid to win is what it is!
  7. Yup....not just the Aaron Brooks of the D1 community....lots of thumpers.
  8. 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% JESUS!
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