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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Sad initiated all of that. Pretty incredible. mspart
  2. No one, but sometimes it sneaks up when you do stupid death defying things. It happens. mspart
  3. Back to the mice, interesting that all the experiments ended the same way. With total annihilation. mspart
  4. Seems counter productive if you want to rule the world. Killing that many people leaves no one to rule. That's gotta be no fun really. mspart
  5. Eventually Darwin catches up to those types. mspart
  6. Plasi is such the jokester! mspart
  7. With a 2005 WC gold and a 2008 Oly gold, is there any question that Bouvaisar could not have added two more WC gold if he wanted to? I don't think there is a good argument for that. I think he got tired of it all but wanted that Oly gold in 2008. I think there might be an argument if Saitiev was not in the discussion for GOAT. mspart
  8. I think I can say honestly that this guy I know of didn't feel very alive, probably mostly dead. mspart
  9. Perhaps. I just looked on google and Khan dispatched 40 million. It says Stalin decimated 20 million. So maybe Khan is a better slaughterer. But just during the great leap forward in Mao's china, 45 million were killed in 4 years. Maybe they were only trying to check the population increase like Thanos. But I think they were just brutal and cruel murderers. mspart
  10. They have spent how much money shooting down kid's balloons? Not that they knew it before, but they are awfully jittery now when they were all calm when the real deal was happening. mspart
  11. Whoopi would never play second fiddle to that idiot. It would be Whoopi Lemon maybe. mspart
  12. They lost so many people? You make it sound like an accident. Stalin starved them out. He killed them, they were not lost. Stalin only compares to Mao for how many were sacrificed on the alter of communism. mspart
  13. Lucky you didn't do it down air stairs. Not much padding on those babies. mspart
  14. My brother-law's exe's new husband was a drag racer on bikes. After they divorced, he crashed at the finish. Not sure why. He barely survived. I don't know the guy just heard about it. I'm guessing his NEED for speed and racing bikes has been somewhat reduced. mspart
  15. I thought schools were gun free zones. But apparently nothing happened here other than the parents were not advised. Super needed to go. You don't do that. Period. It is not a cell phone etc as noted above. But you can kill with a cell phone if you try hard enough. Good thing that kid didn't pull the trigger. He'd be deaf in that bathroom if not seriously injured. I'd say that kid has had a decent edumacation about common sense. There's not much of that around anymore. mspart
  16. Hey Luchador, better pic!! mspart
  17. That was incredible mat awareness from Lee. Very impressive. mspart
  18. I know that WA has girls State. But during the normal season, the girls wrestle boys or don't wrestle. There are only a few teams that have a full girls team. I know at the HS that I volunteered at, we had a few girls the last few years but it was less than a couple each year. mspart
  19. Saitiev was OLY gold from 1996 through 2008. He did not medal in 2000 as we all know. He won 6 WCs. His last WC was 2005 and he came back for 2008 to win gold. He is the best there was. His brother Adam was also very good but had the misfortune to be younger than Bouvi. But he won 2 WC and 1 OLY gold. Sadulaev has 5 WC and 2 OLY golds. So he is close to Saitiev. But I think Bouvaisar was a better freestyler. He is hands down considered the best there's ever been. mspart
  20. Well, we may not have the fittest in the navy but........ mspart
  21. UW does not have wrestling. mspart
  22. https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/3857172-five-lingering-questions-over-ohio-train-derailment-toxic-spill/ Did lax regulations help cause the crash? Railroad safety experts and union members have reiterated calls for more stringent federal oversight of the rail industry following the derailment. One area of constant tension has been brakes. Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) received reports that crews of the Norfolk Southern train pulled the emergency brake, and a mechanical issue with one of the railcar axles was discovered, CNN reported. The possibility of a brake failure points to a behind-the-scenes battle in American railroad regulation — and a place where critics say that both parties have resisted reforms that would make Americans safer. Most trains run on a system where wheels stop one at a time using a compression system, left-leaning news outlet The Lever reported. By contrast, electronically controlled pneumatic brake technology halts all the cars simultaneously — dramatically reducing stopping time. While Norfolk Southern initially touted these advances, it was also part of a coalition of rail companies that successfully fought the regulations, winning a reprieve from the Obama administration and a repeal under the Trump administration, according to The Lever. The outlet reported that the Norfolk Southern train wasn’t regulated as a “high-hazard flammable train” even though its crash triggered a fireball. “Railroads should not use their lobbyists to block or weaken commonsense safety measures that protect workers and communities,” Brown told The Lever. In his statement to The Hill, the Ohio senator called on the NTSB, which is investigating the derailment, to tell Congress and the Department of Transportation what can be done “to avert future derailments involving hazardous materials.” One such measure is before the agency now. Members of multiple railroad unions are fighting a potential rule that would allow trains using the new electronic brakes to travel 2,500 miles — up from 1,500 — without stopping to have their brakes tested. While these trains would have electronic logs, such a ledger “cannot justify reducing the frequency of inspections and repairs to train brakes in the field,” Rich Johnson of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen said in a statement. “Such changes will almost certainly reduce the overall safety of trains operating across the country,” Johnson added. There is still no explanation of why ECP brakes would have prevented an axle or bearing to break. But the Obama admin exempted this kind of thing anyway, and Trump admin got rid of it. Either way, the ECP issue was not being enforced ever for this situation. mspart
  23. NTSB says: https://www.ntsb.gov/news/press-releases/Pages/NR20230214.aspx NTSB investigators have identified and examined the rail car that initiated the derailment. Surveillance video from a residence showed what appears to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure moments before the derailment. The wheelset from the suspected railcar has been collected as evidence for metallurgical examination. The suspected overheated wheel bearing has been collected and will be examined by engineers from the NTSB Materials Laboratory in Washington, D.C. So it appears the bearing overheated. I guess we'll find out more when they examine it. mspart
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