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Everything posted by mspart

  1. https://childmind.org/article/angry-kids-dealing-with-explosive-behavior/ I guess they are behind the times using this kind of language. mspart
  2. Is lashing a bad word now? If so, when did that happen? mspart
  3. BBC interviewer asks Musk what about all the hate. Musk asks for an example. None was given. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/excruciating-moment-elon-musk-turns-tables-on-bbc-interviewer-over-hate-tweets/ar-AA19Mmz1 The video of the exchange is on that site. Hilarious. The reporter/interviewer could not change topics fast enough because of his gotcha mentality. mspart
  4. Back to RBY - US Nationals or no? mspart
  5. Well, then we agree that we disagree on this subject. Thank you for explaining your position with clarity. mspart
  6. 1. Good, I'm glad that is your position. 2. Good I'm glad that is your position. 3. Would it be appropriate for K-3 who should be learning to read, write, and math it? Or is it more appropriate for older kids? Remember, the law only applies to K-3. IMO, No need to confuse the little guys. If they run into it with a friend, then they run into it with a friend. Their parents can help them work it out. Isn't that the way it has been since time immemorial? Kid has a question, the parents help them work through it. What the law is preventing is requiring that book and the ideas in it to be taught and required reading for K-3. That is all. mspart
  7. https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/3940490-i-was-screaming-before-you-interrupted-me-american-politics-has-become-amplified-rage/ This is quite long (too long to copy and paste here) but I suggest anyone with a desire to read something well written and well reasoned, this is it. It is by Jonathan Turley, who some of you may like or dislike. But I ask you to read what he has to say, and comment on if he seems reasonable here or completely off his looney head. I found this to be well reasoned and down the middle of the road. A good commentary that I think most would agree with on this topic. mspart
  8. The defunding of police here in WA has caused a spike in crime. Same in Portland. I don't know about other big cities but Chicago is none to fun. Minneapolis has had to reverse course. Diverting the topic doesn't make any of this untrue and doesn't make Ds any less accountable for the effects of their policies. https://abcnews.go.com/US/12-major-us-cities-top-annual-homicide-records/story?id=81466453 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/09/11/united-states-major-cities-violent-crime-homicides-survey/8060734001/ https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/seattle-violent-crime-hits-15-year-high-other-takeaways-from-new-report/ https://www.illinoispolicy.org/chicago-crime-spikes-in-2022-but-first-drop-in-murder-since-pandemic/ I notice you have not addressed the gender dysphoria aspect of this. I assume that you are in agreement with me on that one. mspart
  9. Just so you all know, Bremerton is across Puget Sound from Seattle. The whole area west of Seattle is referred to as the peninsula. Bremerton is a naval shipyards type of area. Good for Thor to make it to D1. Not many from WA get that opportunity. And at a tough academic school as well. Best of luck to him. mspart
  10. de, I don't disagree, with you on this point. But if an individual Russian can show they didn't dope and aren't doping, would you agree that a remedy should be available for them? I suppose the answer is that they don't compete for Russia but for some other made up entity's flag. But I would expect no more than half participation if the doping is that prevalent in Russia. mspart
  11. It sounds like that is what he is doing. Which for fans, not the greatest, but it is no doubt the best path for him if he needs to heal. Is there any hope for his knees anymore? He needs bionics or something. mspart
  12. Do I really need to define this for you? I hope not. Think George Floyd riots and fallout and I'm sure it will all come rushing back to you. mspart
  13. They are all very good at doing that and reporters seem to always get played and move on. mspart
  14. GWN, Which party pushed for defund the police? It may not be a majority of Ds that like this idea but it was Ds that pushed for it. Which part is pushing for youth to have access to puberty blockers and reassignment surgery? It certainly isn't the Rs. A majority of Ds may not hold that position, but the idea is pushed and backed by Ds. I don't think you can argue any of this. If a majority of Ds are not in favor of these things, why do they elect people who are? Sounds like a resorting of priorities is needed. I do agree that most people in the country are against these things whether D or R. But it is disingenous to say that Ds aren't pushing these things when it is demonstrable that they are. Just ask yourself, who was against the "don't say gay" law in FL which made it illegal to teach K-3 about sex, sexuality, and sexual dysphoria? R's or Ds? Just ask yourself, who is/was for and enacted defunding the police? Rs or Ds? We may be being sold a load of crap, but these things are not even close to being in dispute. mspart
  15. I'm surprised Mike hasn't chimed in based on the title of this thread. mspart
  16. Here is an interesting chart. Seems pretty cyclical. mspart
  17. Funny that Fix and Lee don't show up at US Nats at least for now. Fix usually is pretty reliable. Perhaps he feels bad he didn't fail in the finals once again. Cheap shot. I hope he comes out and takes care of business. Lee too. mspart
  18. Is Fix or Lee going to show up? Arujau is in the mix. I understand PSU folks wait until the last moment or so was said earlier. So I won't ask about those. mspart
  19. That might be a good deal for OU. I'd rather Pendleton stay in Corvallis. mspart
  20. yah man, what ever happened to Bulgaria? They were monsters back in the day. mspart
  21. Is Gilman accepting Final X finals position at 57? Or will he go to US Nats at 61? mspart
  22. It was a thought answer. You might have to think about it for a little while. I'm sure you will get it after a short time pondering it. mspart
  23. To your second bullet, I could not find anything to support my statement. In reading an article on DeSantis saying this isn't over I found this: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/desantis-leaves-everyone-cliffhanger-retribution-151451637.html DeSantis didn't say what would come next in his battle with the family-favorite company, a feud that first began in early 2022. That year, Disney drew DeSantis' ire after its leaders said publicly that the company would work to repeal the Parental Rights in Education Act, the legislation LGBTQ rights groups and Democrats have derided as "Don't Say Gay," because it limits classroom instruction about gender identity and sexual orientation. Now, it must be remembered that the law only stops such education to K-3 students. Yet, Disney and those who feel the same are essentially saying that it is wrong to not teach K-3 students about their genitals and how to have sex and what sex toys are and how you might not be who you think you are, you might be the opposite gender and steps you can take to get yourself to be the other gender. No restrictions to what is taught in the classroom is the only solution. Why they are doing this I have no idea. But this takes them from being a company with an opinion to becoming a political actor. Again, more reason why their special deal is being revoked. Whatever happened to common sense? It went the way of the corded phone. With this kind of logic of allowing minors to make these kinds of decisions, why not allow K-3 kids to vote, drink alcohol, drive cars, own guns? Would anyone do that? Why not? Because minors don't have the maturity or mental clarity of understanding the consequences of their actions. This has been known for all time and is corroborated by science in showing that their brain function and thinking functions are developing, not finished. But that is what Disney and their kind are pushing for, to allow minors to make the ultimate life choice like they absolutely know what they are doing. This is pure grooming and child abuse at the highest level. Perhaps you remember when this stuff was brought up that it was being taught in the schools. "oh no, that isn't done, who would do a stupid thing like that?" was championed by all the left until Disney took on FL in this fight. Then it because apparent that it is being taught in the schools and that is they way they want it and don't want it to stop. I don't know how to describe it any other way. And Disney is all about it. Why this has become the pet project of leftists is a wonder. And I say this seriously, no thinking adult thinks this is a good thing. Not one. This is a realm of zero reason and zero facts for the left, that's all they have. And that is why you can be cancelled for saying what I have said, because they don't have facts and data on their side, they only have vitriol and cancellation. mspart
  24. Knees are for wusses!! Actually I was rooting for Spencer at NCAAs. I'll be rooting for him if he competes at US Nationals. mspart
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