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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Thats a really good one. But my favorite was watching the Young Turks on election night in 2015. It Was hilarious. The just totally melted down.
  2. Who would be your picks in 2028. It looks like after this election we could have a choice.
  3. At least 3 or 4. Probably more than all other presidents combined.
  4. I think they finally installed the talk Shock collar on him. If he talks when they don't want him to, they blast him. It seems to be working.
  5. The Biden campaign then called it “a blatant lie” in a posting on X that has reached over a million people. Contrary to the Biden campaign’s claims, Roberts’s recollection was entirely correct. Under the Trump Administration, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced in May 2020 that the Part D Senior Savings Model participating plans would cap insulin copays to $35 per month’s supply, and over 1,750 Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans applied to offer lower insulin costs. Trump praised the new policy, which was widely covered by the press. There was a Rose Garden event where Trump was praised for his actions: Trump later, in July 2020, signed four executive orders aimed at lowering the cost of insulin. That included Executive Order 13937, which required Federally Qualified Health Centers to pass 340B discounts on to patients. Notably, Biden later reversed Executive Order 13937 before those cost-saving measures could take effect. This is obviously not the first false statement from the President. However, it is notable that his campaign spread obvious disinformation that was picked up by over a million people but then declined to take down the false claim. The campaign is now in a worse position. To take down the posting is to acknowledge not just that it has lied about Roberts, but that the President lied in taking sole credit for this cap. This is the same administration supporting the banning, blacklisting, and throttling of those responsible for disinformation. I would not support such censorship of the campaign. This and other columns refuting the false account is sufficient to combat a “blatant lie” by the Biden campaign. Whether it is his uncle being eaten by cannibals or insulin caps, free speech can correct false claims without government regulation. However, President Biden and his administration continue to push for censorship of others accused for false or misleading statements. The fact that John Roberts was right is hardly surprising. However, there remains a “blatant lie” on the Biden campaign’s social media that must still be corrected. Even Snopes says this is true. Biden stopped Trump's EO lowering insulin and epipen costs. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-insulin-epipen/ Search on "trump the first to cap insulin costs" and a range of articles come up that show this is true. Blatant lies from Biden and/or his team. mspart Biden has been bragging about this for a long, long time along with his surrogates. But itis a massive lie.
  6. The old saying will work here. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. But you tried.
  7. Definitely. Break out the big check book and get him to Ohio State. His mom lives only about 2 hours north of Columbus.
  8. I think you will find Russia loves to meddle in our elections on both sides. They want to cast doubt in our election process. It doesn't surprise when they put money and other resources in in order to cause disruption.
  9. NPR . Oh boy that is a real trustworthy source of news. Wow. By the way in my previous post I wrote Trump told Putin to cool his jets on Ukraine. Putin did not invade Ukraine under Trump. But Putin invaded Ukraine under Joe Biden's presidency and under the Obama's presidency . I have only seen were Putin and company spent maybe 100K on Facebook to promote Trump. Oh boy. Yet Hillary spent 1 million on a fake Russian Dossier (probably more).
  10. Joe now wants to reinstate 212F but still wants to let in 2500 illegals a day. This is after telling the American public for 3 1/2 years he couldn't do that. He also said the border is secure and he is doing everything he can do to stop illegal immigration.
  11. Obama,and Joe love Putin. Remember Obama's hot mic moment when he was going for reelection. We know Hunter loves rich Russian women. One of them gave him a couple million dollars for????????
  12. Putin had plans to go into Ukraine for years. He just needed an opening to implement his plans. The minute Joe was elected he put his plans into effect. Trump made it clear to Putin to cool his jets. Putin didn't invade Ukraine. I don't believe we would be fighting a Proxy war with Hamas right now if Trump was president. Peace through strength. Joe shows a lot of weakness. The minute Joe got elected the door opened. Now we are fighting an expensive never ending proxy war with Russia. I would bet the farm that if Joe is reelected China will move in on Taiwan. They will be history.
  13. Hey, Uncle, where have you been? I really missed you. So, are you saying yes? Joe could handle a serious felony trial, or he would fall apart, or he could just go to sleep?
  14. I wonder if a mini-series will come out starring Hunter Biden. It will be called no one is above the law and pay your fair share.
  15. I know hospitals financially benefitted from a patient if they listed, that it was Covid whether it was Covid or not. Whether they were treating them or they passed away from another illness..
  16. Remarkably China only had 5,272 deaths. That might be a little bit off. I was wondering if we could send a bill to President Xi Jinping for 14 trillion dollars. Thats just for starters.
  17. Our enemies whole heartly want Joe Biden to be reelected. They are doing everything they can legally and illegally to make sure it that it happens.
  18. No. That is what Hur said about the trial that Biden would have to go through if Hur would have decided to prosecute him. It probably would last several months. Yes, Hur said a serious trial with serious felony charges. But Hur felt Joe was too feeble and too old to withstand a serious. trial.
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