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Everything posted by denger

  1. Gotta hand it to David Taylor. His reign as the most "dominant and dynamic" freestyle wrestler lasted for almost 20 hours
  2. FWIW, I think @nhs67 was right about Tazhudinov. It didn't look like he tried very hard against Sadulaev.
  3. Can't get to 3700 posts without getting reps in. I just hope he's wrong about this one. It's also totally possible that Sadulaev makes the guy look like he didn't try - Hell, when he's in top form he looks like he doesn't even try. Given the descriptions of Russians at home scoring on Sad, I don't believe this is the case. I think Sadulaev looks less impressive than in years past, just on the eye test.
  4. I understand the freestyle reasoning to an extent: Exposure is control. Takedown is control. Reversing control is something, but less than initiating control. There's no reward for your opponent losing control (escape). What I still don't get is when initiating exposure scores two, and then coming up on top to secure a takedown, it's worth the same as doing either of those things. If you score a takedown, then roll him for exposure, it's 2 + 2. Why isn't it 2 + something when you tip him over, then get a takedown? It's obviously not worth the same as all four fingers, feet-to-back, as criteria works. Im fine with exposure having the same point value as a takedown. Where I glitch out is when exposure IS a takedown. I'm looking right at it and named it, it's called control, but I just can't compute how they're the same thing.
  5. He was overextended on the first leg attack and counter. Then he went high single on the edge, probably figured on getting a step out, but got whizzered to his chest and countered for two. The last one, he appeared in the most sound sound position - high crotch, changed off to double, had his but under him, but the guy reached to the crotch and took him over for 4. Watching it all again, I think it was more impressive than live. I doubt those counters work quite so well when worn down, but Tazhudinov teched his first two opponents in the first period too.
  6. It's not the anticipated semi we expected, but it's just as compelling!
  7. Feet to back chest wrap counter out of bounds Countered for a questionable 2 out of bounds Feet to back counter out of bounds again Was he that much better? He sure made Snyder look silly
  8. The rule that I glitch over in the folk-centric sense is the exposure = takedown. Starting from neutral and grounded in a scramble, if a wrestler exposes their opponent AND it ends up in a takedown, it's only two. I can't get my head around how getting exposure and control has the same value as either getting a split-second exposure or control. As stated, I know it's a folk-centric understanding, but still. Making your opponent vulnerable AND gaining control is harder to do than either making the opponent vulnerable OR gaining control.
  9. Parris' hanging tough with Geno is looking less impressive...
  10. Gotta love that performance for Parris! He's closed a lot of distance in the last week.
  11. I'm wrong in framing that. Sorry. I stand by the Yazdani isn't running anywhere, though.
  12. The recency bias on Yazdani vs Taylor is always hyperbolic. When Taylor lost twice within two months in 2021, the gap widening in the second loss, some of y'll were calling the rivalry over. Yazdani isn't running anywhere. If they're both healthy and representing in Paris, it'll still be highly anticipated.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Brooks did it, though. Our depth at 84 is what's bonkers.
  14. We'll get him back by 2025. He's a warrior first.
  15. I doubt any team will challenge PSU this season, so keeping him in there is to battle for the next 5 team spots.
  16. He's wrestling 133 this NCAA season, which leans toward cutting back down.
  17. Does Vito go 65 or 57 next? He looked like a ghost last time I saw him at 57.
  18. And with 10hrs after weigh-in won't include 4 matches.
  19. Also just hard to watch. Zero urgency, stands up and turns his back for the final 5 seconds.
  20. True 5th Losers of Bronze matches will wrestle for qualification
  21. (read 'whale' with a southern accent followed by the expletive word on the brown one) I thought this thread had potential. Popular song + political call line with plenty of grey area for discussion. The original poster didn't listen to the song enough to know that coal miners were at the heart of it. One week ago a poster with apparent authority created a thread praising members for resisting name calling. A few hours ago he called a respected contributor "dumb" to make a point about crime at Walmart. I wish there were dialogue down here. Guess not.
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