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Everything posted by denger
At a local dual yesterday I saw a guy choose neutral when he was up 3-1, and I thought it was strange. He'd scored his takedown in about 2:00, and the escaped happened within 10 seconds. Both were pushing the pace and attacking on their feet. Both had been near scoring position several times - seemed evenly matched. I thought, "either he sucks on bottom, or he believes he can settle this opponent down....and, I guess the 3pt takedown has changed the usual strategy." The guy who chose neutral won by TF in the second, so he was right. Probably didn't want to waste time down there for one or two points.
I think basketball & baseball have a case that is greater than, golf, tennis or soccer. The latter three already have pinnacle-level international competition. I don't care about basketball or baseball, but apparently basketball has a healthy international presence, especially in Europe. Baseball might be able to make a similar case with popularity in Central America and East Asia. Of course, if it's an originalist argument, then the only Olympic sports would be derivative of combat....In which case, American Football would be more appropriate than any of the sport-balls.
What I saw on the Flo (UWW) stream was a Folk-style misstep from Koontz - Instead of chopping at the knee to take his off-balance opponent to his back, he posted on the upper thigh while doing that. I don't know enough about Greco leg fouls to make an argument, but Koontz absolutely touched a leg in that exchange.
I'm completely on board! As an eager fan, I wish we were seeing her at an Olympic weight this year. As someone who works with people her age for a living, I respect that she's competing at her optimum weight. Compared to her complete destruction of girls her age at the Junior level, her Senior performance looks less polished while still conquering the World - as expected. She'll be 20 in January. She's still getting stronger, which is kinda scary. Wrestlers usually peak in their mid 20s. Looking at the profiles of the Olympic women in 2020(1), they compete later into their 30s. I don't know whether that's a physical attribute or a historical factor, given that women's wrestling is more recent, and the experience of veterans might outweigh the eagerness of youth. Worst case scenario: She takes some lumps at whichever Olympic weight, and we're stuck with her winning multiple world medals as a tweener Absolute worse: she pulls a Gobble Steveson and gets hungry for something else Hopeful (and likely) scenario: She anchors our women's team through 2036 at age 32, or 2040 at age 36. Best case scenario: 19 Senior Medals, 5 Olympic If she ever takes a loss as an adult, I'll be exceptionally curious to see what she does with that.
Hmmm, OK, but that's not an argument. There are challenges to having a house party in most parts of the world, and those problems don't disadvantage athletes living in the timezones of the Americas. If we want parity, which is a winning argument, then ranking series events need to spread more evenly across timezones, right?
Bruntil's opponent from Mongolia was 5th at Asian Champs this year. Hildebrandt teched Demirhan of Turkey in the round of 16 in Tokyo Maroulis teched Lysak of Poland in last year's quarters Kilty has defending champ Ozaki, a 20yr old who teched Miracle in the finals last year. Gray has a relatively young Cuban, Potrille, the first woman Jr. World Champ from Cuba in 2019.
In the semis Antim has Belarusian Kaladzinskaya, who pinned Jacarra Winchester for Bronze in Tokyo.
I'll go with not a fluke. Tazhudinov didn't overpower or overwork anyone. He did over-motion, over-reach and over-technique everyone. He was longer in dimension and fluid in motion. He did everything he could with those assets. His build is like David Taylor's but bigger: He can reach what he wants, and he does. I also think his challenges are about to get steeper. Yeah, he just whooped the best in the World, the extent of which is the most remarkable part, but they're gonna start to study him now. It's not that the table will turn, it'll just square. What's most impressive to me is that he made it look easy. Apologies for this folk style tangent, but he reminds me of Ed Ruth. Low intensity on the surface - relaxed as if it doesn't really matter; Lanky but somehow slick - they all walked into his game. We've all wrestled with a neck injury at some point, but I think he can touch Sadulaev's ankles anytime he wants, and he can direct Snyder's tail over his shoulders more easily than anyone else in this world. Not a Fluke
Is it true that Sadulaev didn't weigh in today?
She's jacked - What a Boss!
Congrats to Jennifer Page. Great tournament for her!
That was earlier days, the one without a German accent
I think it's Aline Rotter-Focken, who beat Gray for Gold in Tokyo
I like Gray's chances. I can't imagine it'll be pretty, but hopefully Gray's composure will overcome the Cuban's aggression. I'm sure she's studying.
The first ever women's junior champ from Cuba, 2019 She scored 4 in the last seconds of her semi, suplex like Blades
Most of her offense comes from ties. Sakurai controlled the ties and anticipated the foot sweep.
...screaming at my screen - "WTF WAS THAT STOPPAGE!"
Hildebrandt neutralized the Mongolian's power in the first period, not so much the second. That second exposure was the real difference. She was knotted up - seemed like she could have looked away and bellied down, but when you're built from al dente spaghetti, it's hard to separate from a meatball.
Damn. Too late for Hildebrandt
It's kinda comical the difference!
The next few look really tough. Hildebrandt has the Mongolian who beat her in the semis last year Maroulis has Sakuri who beat her in the finals last year Gray will be pulling for Japan over a very athletic Cuban.
Quick work from Kilty!
Checks out! Thanks
What's up with FloArena and the absence of the women's brackets?
The official was telling the Azeri to open up after Hildebrandt's takedown - she was controlling hands. She didn't listen, so caution + 1