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Everything posted by pawrestler

  1. Allred is looking awesome on his feet but has gotta ride a little more
  2. My finals Jesus bingo card is filling in nicely
  3. Man I wish Starocci would open up more. He could do so much more in most matches
  4. Only because I hate how accurate that is
  5. I’d pay good money for a Hamiti Haines all star match up next year
  6. Is it really Ham-ity and not Hem-e-ti?
  7. That attempted zoom to his family was crazy lol
  8. My feed keeps dropping and I stg if I have to watch this Wendy’s commercial one more time while I’m missing action
  9. Giving up that Turk. Not taking top. Going for the cradle. I lost a year of my life watching that match.
  10. Hardy could’ve won if he didn’t go for that stupid cradle instead of the TD!!
  11. Giving up a leg Turk like that should be a felony
  12. I’m shocked they didn’t get the NF
  13. Is the secret to being a four timer having a shade of red singlet
  14. I really enjoyed the Spencer Lee getting back points every first period era
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