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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. details. I assume you are saying that Pitt was leading the dual by 5 or less, Pitzer was leading the last match, got injured, and rather than gut it out, forfeited, and lost the dual. Is that right?
  2. And never did to those without duck colored glasses.
  3. And it is the height of cynicism to have those announcers on an over-priced streaming service provided by the premier conference for the sport. For $15/month people expect way more than those guys.
  4. 1929 - Pinfall, forfeit, default, or DQ worth 1 team point in tournaments 1972 - Superior decision (win by 10+) added and worth 1/2 team point in tournaments 1976 - Superior decision raised to 12+ points and worth 3/4 team point. Major decision added (8 - 11) and worth 1/2 team point in tournaments 1985 - Tech fall (leading by 15+) added and worth 1 team point in tournaments 1988 - Superior decision eliminated and TF team scoring changed to 3/4 point 1995 - Major decision team scoring increased to 1 point. Tech fall eliminated and replaced with Match Termination (leading by 15+) and also worth 1 team point 1995 - Pinfall, forfeit, default, or DQ increased to 2 team points (so from 1985 to 1988 pinfall and tech fall were worth the same) 1997 - Tech fall restored with a back points requirement and worth 1.5 team points. Match termination still exists Somewhere between 1998 and 2001 the match termination began to also be called tech fall, but the distinction between one with near fall and one without near fall remained. I cannot find these rule books online to confirm the year. 2016 - All tech falls worth 1.5 team points (near fall requirement removed) Edit: forgot to include pinfall info
  5. I think they can. There are 6 duals plus 3 B1G matches after MSU. Starocci is at 6 and Brooks is at 7 matches. But do they even need an RPI? They will get an allocation based on coaches' rank and winning%.
  6. Amen. They can only travel with 15. We know David Evans and Terrell Barraclough are there. On HVI they quote a UM site saying Gary Steen 125, Lucas Cochran 197, and Donovan Ball 184 also made the trip. I would not be surprised to see those three start for Davis, Brooks, and Truax. Then have Kasak back in at 149 and Starocci at 174. So I guess I am taking the under on 7.5.
  7. Think critically. That is how it is supposed to work.
  8. And this from a self described elite. This is exactly what I am talking about. If you believe a poll that claims more than half of any group want to ban A/C then you are gullible beyond belief. That the guy posting this silliness unquestioned is also on the "media will tell us what we need to know" thread is hilariously ironic.
  9. By more cerebral, do you mean you didn't bother to read it?
  10. From the USAW rulebook: Passivity is a tool that the officiating crew can use to stimulate action from a wrestler who is not actively attempting to score. Passivity can be observed as: - Evading attacks without counterattacks - Attacking without direct contact with the opponent - Faked attacks - Not able to control center - Grabbing wrists without starting an attack - Regaining initial position after beginning an attack - Evading into and maintaining position within the passivity zone - Fixing one’s opponent within the passivity zone - Defensive wrestling - Wrestling on one’s knees while not in contact with the opponent - In GR wrestling, not attempting to “hook” his opponent despite good position Because we think of faked attacks as being active in folkstyle, we can be confused when watching freestyle where they are defined as passive. Yes there is a lot of action, but it is not defined as activity in the rules. When I watch high end freestyle (olympics, worlds, qualifiers, etc.) it almost always comes down to who is controlling the center of the mat rather than who is shooting, unless the shooter actually scores. The person with their foot/feet in the center circle or with their back toward the center circle is viewed as active. The other is passive.
  11. If you had read the survey you would know that the question asked the opposite. You did not read the suvey, did you?
  12. Ten thousand people per square mile represents a high-density urban environment. But in that context, $150,000 a year is no princely salary. Nationwide, it takes far more–around $650,000 annually–to be in the top 1% in income. A person who lives in a big city and earns $150,000 is not, in any financial sense, elite. So the key element in Rasmussen’s formula is having a postgraduate degree. Basically, what we are surveying here is people with graduate degrees who live in cities, the large majority of whom don’t make a great deal of money. Many in that group are probably women, although Rasmussen says the survey results were “lightly weighted” by gender, age and race. Rasmussen also defined a subcategory of “Ivy League elites,” consisting of graduates of one of the eight Ivy League schools, plus Northwestern, Duke, Stanford and the University of Chicago. These “elites,” so defined, are living in another world than the rest of us. They are extraordinarily loyal to the regime; 84% of them approve of Joe Biden’s performance as president. I wouldn’t have thought you could get that high an approval rating if you sampled the Democratic National Committee. And 70% of the “elites” trust the government to do the right thing most of the time; that rises to 89% among those who are “the most politically active members of the elite.” These elites even trust journalists: 79% have a favorable opinion of them, as do 84% of the “Ivy League elite.” When it comes to policy, these people are crazy. Forty-seven percent say that America suffers from too much freedom, compared with only 21% who think we have too much government control. Among the Ivy League elite, 55% say America is too free, with only 15% saying we have too much government. So how do the elites want to limit our excessive freedom? A shocking 77% say they favor the “strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity.” That basically means living in a poor, totalitarian state like the USSR. And by 89% to 10%, the Ivy League elites want to see “strict rationing” of these most basic commodities. These “elites” are fascists. Large majorities want to ban gas stoves (69%), gasoline powered cars (72%), non-essential air travel (55%), SUVs (58%) and air conditioning (53%). The Ivy League elites are even worse: the corresponding numbers are 80% for gas stoves, 81% for gasoline powered cars, 70% for non-essential air travel, 66% for SUVs, and 68% want to ban air conditioning. There is no polite way to put it: they are fascists. There is more at the link. The people whom Rasmussen has identified are obviously dangerous to our democracy. If they take over, we are finished. More study needs to be done to figure out who, exactly, they are, so we can root them out and negate their influence. In the meantime, some moderate measures probably need to be taken. Like abolishing the Ivy League.“ https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/01/are-our-elites-crazy.php Do you really believe any poll that claims 68% of any group, anywhere in the US wants to ban A/C? Are you that gullible?
  13. To quote Cael Sanderson, "we are thankful for our opponents because they are very good at showing us what we needed to work on."
  14. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
  15. I did not claim he wrestled in the 2019 final. You did not specify the year until your follow up post. He stepped on the mat in 2020 and forfeited after the first period. Not wrestling an un-needed match, that hurts your seed, because you have a torn ACL is not a duck. You are just wanting to redefine it so you won't be wrong. But you are wrong.
  16. So far all we know is what a duck is not based on the examples provided.
  17. Forfeiting a final is not a duck. It in no way preserves a seed. It hurts a seed. You conveniently foget that he tore his ACL mid season that year, which is why Franco Bisono wrestled some of the duals at 184. Load management is a thing for a torn ACL. All this info is available. So, yes, lazy.
  18. Poor use of the word "also" given that 1032004 already admitted he was wrong. And Rasheed forfeited during the match at the end of the first period due to injury. Not a healthy default at all. The opposite. This is exactly what I am talking about. Everyone thinks everything is a duck. But when challenged two different guys come up with two different examples. Examples of them being 100% wrong. But, everything is a duck. No one gets injured in a sport where everyone gets injured. No one gets sick. Lazy.
  19. Your mastery of understatement cannot be overstated.
  20. Oklahoma State 133 (and predecessor weights): In 92 years OK St has 58 AA's at the weight (19 titles, 18 runners up).T The most recent run is 26 of the last 35 years:
  21. Nelson Brands was accused of biting Brooks. Malik Amine gave Retherford a shove after getting his knee wrenched. Kind of important to get your facts straight before popping off.
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