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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. 2021 was the year that did not count against the eligibility clock. So Bartlett has one more year of eligibility left. His scenario is identical to Carter Starocci's in that they were unaffected by the Covid year, but got the benefit that some who were affected did not (Luke Pletcher, Vincenzo Joseph, Kollin Moore, Mark Hall, etc.)
  2. As I recall it, which may be imperfect, they asked him if he decided who got first round byes and he said he arranged it so his guys got enough matches. The rule I think he broke is this: Tournaments may use alternate methods for assigning byes in the first round of a tournament, as long as byes and/or resulting first-round pigtail matches are distributed randomly and no institution is unfairly helped or harmed by the resulting assignment.
  3. That last part was the illegal part that he admitted to on FRL. There is nothing in the rule about coaches agreeing making it peemissable.
  4. Certainly 22 and 23 were legit. I aasume that is as a result of the blowback Dresser received after 20. He even went on FRL to answer questions about it.
  5. @forkemaz, to understand just how cynical The Last Chance Open has been, you only need to look at Coleman Scott circa 2020. He was 5-5 on the season at 184 prior to Last Chance Open. He then "won" the 184 title by going 4-0 after "wrestling" for 5 seconds. He also had one dual left to get him to the 15 bout minimum. At 184 there were 15 bouts scheduled, but only 6 were wrestled. Four were forfeits and five were injury defaults. Coleman was the beneficiary of four of those five injury defaults. Three of the four injury defaults were received from his teammates. Two of those teammates wrestled the entire year at 174, but bumped up to 184 in time to injury default to Coleman. Dresser also admitted that he arranged the brackets so that Coleman would be guaranteed four injury defaults (an NCAA rule violation). Dresser held a total of five starters out of the Missouri dual so that they could "wrestle" at this open instead. Carr wrestled one match at The Last Chance (against a teammate) so that he could satisfy the one match in the last 30 days requirement. It was the most cynical abuse of the rules anyone had ever seen.
  6. He is gonna wish my lawyers stopped at flakes. But once they get going, the red mist descends, and I have no control over them.
  7. Not at all. As a matter of fact nothing I said is a complaint. It was just statements of fact. The finals and sometimes the semis never happened at this tournament because that was not the point of the tournament. The point was to get a few teams' starters extra matches against back ups so that they could meet the minimum match requirements with near guaranteed wins that would pump up their win percentage. A typical starter who enters this tournament has something like 13 or 14 matches and a 60 something win percentage. Once they get to 15 matches and 70%, they stop wrestling.
  8. As a PSU fan I would love to see it. But. I need to see it first. I have seen O'Toole and Carr duke it out. I know how good they are against the very best. I do not think they will be surprised by MesenBRICK's pace, which is not to say they will handle it necessarily, and they have a lot of veteran savvy. That said, I think it is the combination of pace and devil may care attitude that is M-Brick's greatest strength. He does not appear afraid to lose, or afraid of the moment. He just goes and gets it. And if he gives up a takedown in the process, well that just means he needs to go get another one on top of all the ones he was already planning on. One thing I think we will never hear from his corner is, "Mitch, you have to go now."
  9. He can be a little starchy, but I like him none the less. There will be no joy in it for me when I grind him to a fine flour under the wheels of justice.
  10. The Olympics didn't add the 1500 for her, they had previously kept it out because they are a bunch of neandrathals who viewed women as the weaker sex, incapable of such extremes. Meanwhile, Janet Evans was rocking the 1500 for years. As a 1500 swimmer in the 70s and 80s who trained with a lot of great women swimmers, I never understood the logic of having the event in age group level meets but not the Olympics. And, yes, I am spitting into the wind. Caitlan Clark is going to run away with it.
  11. A couple things: He isn't banned. @Husker_Du made that clear when he said he will never be banned because he was a treasure (or something like that). He made a bet, willingly, and now appears to be honoring the terms of the bet he agreed to. Again, not banned. I thought the bet was a bad idea and said so twice. I still think it is a bad idea and would welcome @Jimmy Cinnabon back. I gave Jimmy tooooooons of shit when he said things that deserved tons of shit. For example, when he was posting wrestler names based on rumors he read on another message board, I told him it was a POS post. The whole "pay your debts" thing was tiresome to me, but if others enjoyed it c'est la vie. I would just skip past those posts. As a matter of fact there is at least one poster on here whose posts I almost always skip without reading, especially when I see he is every other post in a multi-page row. There is never any substance there.
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