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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Bill Koll was undefeated in the 40's and Dan Hodge was undefeated in the 50's. There were also a few guys prior to the war, like Earl McCready, but they wrestled very few matches back then. In 3 years McCready only wrestled 25 matches.
  2. Prior year I think they were the biggest outperformers.
  3. So you are ignoring Matt Ramos? Too soon?
  4. That lineup would have taken 12th this year with 43.5 points. But, if Ferrari's lawyer performs legal wizardry AND he wins after two years off (not sure which is less likely) you get to the 63.5 - 65 range which would have put them fifth or sixth and a full AA out of third.
  5. Another tragic example of Sanderson recruiting over.
  6. I already cleared this up. Everything to my left is west.
  7. Did you try Dime Store in Detroit for breakfast last year? If so, how did it compare to The Cherry St Kitchen? I ask because I was very impressed with Dime Store. https://www.eatdimestore.com/
  8. As I have gotten older I have realized this. I try to remind myself, we are all dealing with something. I do not always succeed. So I remind myself again.
  9. Probably just running from Amine.
  10. Thank you for sharing this. I have made my donation.
  11. I love the fact that Hendrickson scored more (21.5) than two champs (O'Connor and Bonaccorsi, 21) and all of the runners up. It would be a shame to change a rule on what I assume is a rare occurrence. (It happened in 2021 also with Mason Parris outscoring 7 champs and Jaydin Eierman outscoring 3, but both were runners up and did all their damage on the front side). Which raises the question, what is the actual proposed change? Do you know? I do not.
  12. I can't just leave well enough alone. Apparently, this is a common law thing dating back to the 1600's. Royalty was chosen because they tended to have longer life expectancy than peasants due to things like access to better healthcare. Additionally, commoners were less likely to have a complete and unquestioned family tree causing problems determining when the final person died. That this would be used as a dry corporate law/political joke tickles me to no end.
  13. Unfortunately, no. I had to go through all of the brackets by hand. I started out just looking at round 1, but then went back to add the placement matches as it seemed like there were a lot of forfeits there (there were). Then it was like "oh, well, might as well do the rest". But by then I got a little lazy and did the rest as a group rather than by round. I will say that forfeits in the placement matches might need to be addressed. It seems like a lot of points are gained there. And if I recall correctly I think there was one or two situations where it affected the team race at 2nd through 4th, but not for first.
  14. Why are we not talking about the funniest part? The new contract is valid in perpetuity or, if that is considered unlawful, until "21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England." What lawyer came up with that jab? And how did it make it past all the other lawyers?
  15. I always assumed that wrestlers fattened up on bonus points in the consolation brackets. I took a look at 2010 - 2022 to see if my assumption was correct. That first round of consolations is slightly less bonus heavy than the first round of the championship bracket on a per match basis. And with half the matches, it is much less important for overall bonus already. And across all matches, consolations are slightly less bonus heavy than championships. That said, it could be that that separation is still not enough. But without knowing the motivation for change or the nature of the change (I did not listen to FRL, so not sure if they discussed that), it is very hard to know.
  16. To re-emphasize champions? Over the years, first place points have been shrinking as a percent of total points. Perhaps they want to reverse that trend.
  17. Great topic. Great list. As a PSU fan I favor the 2018 version of Martin v Nickal, though.
  18. Discretion is the better part of valor. Besides, he might not want it getting out that I am related to him.
  19. If you want to get overly precise, I think it goes like this:
  20. Now you got me thinking of the Dominos Cinnamon and Sugar shakers I grew up with. Butter, cinnamon and sugar on toast. I wonder why I have handlebars?
  21. Let's not lose focus on the fact that this post is dumb on a whole other level, too. As much as I HATE the lazy, copycat, way over used "I enjoyed the ____era", the point of this hackneyed bit is to take a shot at something or someone you feel was over-hyped who then failed to live up to the perceived hype. Dragging out this fantastically unoriginal trope right after your target just achieved massive success is deliciously stupid.
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