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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. These just do not feel like the kind of results to get Brands fired. It really comes down to expectations though. Does Iowa administration expect Gable-like results? Does Iowa administration expect drama free teams? Does the degree of drama in the wrestling program come anywhere near the degree of drama that football and basketball programs typically produce? Do non-revenue sport coaches get more rope than revenue sport coaches? Do things like fund raising that leads to new facilities matter? My uneducated guesses for answers are "not really", "to some degree", "not even close", "yes - a lot", "yes - a whole lotta lot". Note: The time range only covers two of Brands' four titles. Going back to 2008 would significantly improve his numbers. Unfortunately I only have complete team scores going to 2010. I think I know where to find earlier scores, though, so stay tuned.
  2. My favorite example involves both our teams. Senior in high school, Stevan Micic, beat freshman in high school, Nick Lee. Both were "seniors" in the NCAA tournament eight years later.
  3. As long as we are obsessing with age I should get this out of the way. I am 58, but I read at a 59 year old level. And only compete against 56 year olds so I can dominate the dojo.
  4. Bit of a fluff piece, but it is interesting to see the obvious friendship between David Taylor and Kyle Dake. Oh, and Taylor's daughter blowing out the birthday candles is the cutest thing you will see today.
  5. There is a guy on HR who refers to Nelson Brands as a title contender, so...
  6. Negative split. Now you are talking my language.
  7. I know that this looks like trolling given my PSU fandom, but hear me out anyway. There is a thread on HR with two predictions for next year. The first just states finishes, not points. The second states points. They could not be more different. Assuming best case scenario for points the first prediction has Iowa at 55 plus bonus, or perhaps 61 - 62 with bonus. The second prediction is described as best case and comes to 103 points. That is a hell of a case given that they scored 82.5 last year. So where do you see them scoring this year given the goings on this off season in Iowa City (and there are a lot of goings on)?
  8. My dad used to tell me if I wanted to do better I should swim faster. He left it to me to work out the details.
  9. I remember the moment I read "it depends on what your definition of "is" is". I laughed my ass off thinking what a weasel this guy was. I find it equally hilarious that he is now portraying himself as a harmless senior citizen. "What? Me? I don't have the appetites anymore."
  10. If there weren't so many witches, there wouldn't be so many witch hunts.
  11. They said the same thing about Murin 10 years ago.
  12. No, but there may be other jurisfictions that make the answer yes. No. The restriction is defined at the NCAA level, not the individual school level. If the NCAA sponsors a championship in the sport, NCAA athletes may not be on that sport.
  13. At this point they are just wishing they could have made it to the medium run, never mind the long run.
  14. She is from the Michael Scott school of extemporaneous thought
  15. "Correcting someone's grammar is the most effective form of birth control" - Demetri Martin
  16. Would Dake make a good head coach? What with his solar calluses and getting younger every day? I was going to say that would not make a good head coach, but then there is Askren. He has some strange ideas about some things, but he obviously knows how to coach.
  17. I left out what is rumored to be the most critical way Iowa State is greener pastures than Iowa: fewer number of Ferraris.
  18. Same number of NCAA champs in the last three years. Fewer number of injuries.
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