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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. Its like college wrestling. If you bring in the best, you can be the best. If you bring in the best and have them taught by the best, you will be the best. Schools like Harvard, Stanford, Chicago, MIT, etc. bring in the best and have the best professors, so they produce the best grads. Virtuous cycle.
  2. Twitter no longer releases earnings as a private company. Where did you see April earnings?
  3. Amen. The facilities arms race was a substitute form of compensation for athletes since the schools could not, would not, pay athletes directly. What Mike Locksley conveniently ignores is that he too would get dressed in a garabage can for an extra $25k.
  4. When I read the article it was not clear to me what point they were trying to make with these stats. How do you intrepret them?
  5. Well that explains why I can't see tweets anymore, but I am less confident than you about the reason. It makes sense to cut guys like me off. I lurk, but earn them no revenue and don't count toward their monetizable users that help sell adds. Cut me off and see if I subscribe. I won't, but some like me will.
  6. I laughed because I worked at a place called Fox River and the founder had a website picture with him in the power stance while people off camera threw chickens in the air so they could get a "fox in the hen house" pic. It was cringy.
  7. But that is just you reading between the lines and offering an interpretation based on what you think they are saying. That is not what they actually are attributed with saying. And the Supreme Court does not allege anywhere that they were being disingenous. So I have to go with the arguments made rather than the shadow arguments assumed.
  8. Believe me, I am in no way endorsing Trump's business practices or ethics.
  9. Yo comprende fungible, but that is not what this is. There is nowhere it says the student loans had been paid off. If they are not paid off, then they were not paid off with PPP proceeds. And for that to happen the PPP proceeds would need to leave the business bank account, go to the personal account and then go to the loan servicer. Alternatively, if the money is paid to the servicer from the business account, then the loan would not have been forgiven. But it was. Meaning it was used appropriately. Fungibility does not apply here.
  10. That just argues she is a hypocrite and a pawn, not that she used PPP money to pay off student loans or that her business was a sham.
  11. Bankruptcy serves a vital role that makes financing possible. Without an orderly process for unwinding a business when there are not sufficient assets to satisfy all claims, it would be chaos, and whoever goes first could screw everyone else. This would make capital too expensive, as everyone would need excess returns to cover the risk. For me the big issue is that student loans are not forgivable in bankruptcy. Even though they are often what drives someone into bankruptcy. This is bad because it means the backer of those loans (the government) need have no discipline in making the loans. The idea that if you extend credit to someone who cannot pay it back means you will lose money, acts as a natural governor on making dumb loans. Remove that governor and we get loans made to people for garbage degrees at for profit universities that will never result in good jobs, or any job at all, and universities inflating tuitions to unsustainable degrees. Allow student loan forgiveness in bankruptcy and a lot of problems we currently have will correct themselves over time.
  12. I was looking at the Supreme Court decision and I could not find anywhere that they say Harvard argued they wanted to be in proportion to society. SCOTUS described Harvards goal as: "Harvard likewise “guard[s] against inadvertent drop-offs in representation” of certain minority groups from year to year" And their reasons for these goals was not that minorities cannot keep up. Rather it was: "Harvard identifies the following educational benefits that it is pursuing: (1) “training future leaders in the public and private sectors”; (2) preparing graduates to “adapt to an increasingly pluralistic society”; (3) “better educating its students through diversity”; and (4) “producing new knowledge stemming from diverse outlooks.” "
  13. PPP was only a loan in a technical sense. It was never designed to be paid back. As long as an employer used the money to keep employing, it was forgiven. It was only structured as a loan to make legal recourse simpler if an employer failed to live up to their promise.
  14. Why do they have to be 30% white male? 36% of Standford students are from CA. CA is not 36% of the US or the world. What rule or criteria of theirs are you referring to?
  15. Is 12% the right number or wrong number? Too high, too low? If 12% is accurate that means 26% of male students in the class of 2026 were white. That does not include any international students who do not get bucketed as white in the official Stanford stats. As for athletes they make up about 12% of the students with about 5% of students on athletic scholarship.
  16. My college roommate got wait listed at Princeton. After he read an article damning Brooke Shields' admission because it denied a deserving student, he insisted he was that deserving student. Where is his justice?
  17. Au contraire, because Spencer Lee agrees to my terms and we have the wrestling match in the deep end of the pool. Check and mate. Pin and fall.
  18. What if I told you he had the seventh best career of the 3xers in the past decade? Then what?
  19. They are, but they can be offset by loses. Sadly, no one ever loses.
  20. I would rather not bait @VakAttack into an internet brawl.
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