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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. That is a lot of words to not answer the question with. And how did landscaping make it into that disjointed list of things that is neither a sentence nor seemingly related to the prior sentence?
  2. Add Lionsgate to the list. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-11-17/lionsgate-has-suspended-all-advertising-on-x-spokesman-says
  3. This has happened to Apple, Bravo, Oracle, Xfinity and IBM. I find it unlikely that technology native companies like Apple, Oracle, and IBM do not know how to, or do not chose to, use the adjacency controls. It is more likely that the controls do not perform as expected. Also given that Twitter's response was to make the accounts posting hateful content no longer monetizable suggests that the failure is on Twitter's part.
  4. Given the hard advertising push and incentives offered to schools to sign students up I am surprised it isn't 75% or more. And yet investigators only found 3% to 4%. Almost seems like they went easy on them.
  5. Fishbane, I found this. Not only did he win without scoring a takedown, he had a move named after him. Gizoni This is a move developed by Anthony Gizoni, 2-time NCAA champion and Outstanding Wrestler from Waynesburg State, PA, and perfected by Port Robertson who named the move after Anthony Gizoni. Anthony Gizoni won the NCAA tournament without scoring an offensive takedown, he would deliberately let people take him down, and then reverse them with this move. This move can be used to reverse your opponent any time he reaches over your near arm and is close to parallel to your body. It is also an effective means of countering and reversing or escaping a chicken wing. 1. You need to get your body directly under your opponent, in a very compact squat back stance, but with your toes flat on the mat. 2. Your elbows need to be tight against your sides to prevent your opponent from reaching under either arm. 3. In many cases your opponent will reach over the near arm, or you can force him to reach over it by driving your arm back under and hooking it in the crook of your elbow. If the opponent is directly behind you “Crab Ride” type position, you can force under either arm. 4. Once you have the arm hooked, you want to raise up your upper body. 5. Throw your hand over your head, which will pull your opponent’s upper body across your upper body at a 45-degree angle. 6. Post your other hand to the mat for support. 7. Throw both of your feet out as far as possible under your shoulder of the arm with which you hooked your opponent’s arm. This will place normally will place you on your hip. 8. Continue backing the rest of your body towards your feet, until you are once again in a squat back stance, and are completely out from under your opponent. 9. At this point you want to drive back into your opponent reaching under his near arm and grabbing his far arm (you’ll need to lower your outside shoulder so that it goes under his chest), and grabbing the inside of his near thigh, with your near arm. 10. Pull with both arms, driving forward applying chest pressure, driving the opponent onto his back. 11. You will wind up in a reverse half-nelson pinning combination.
  6. Correct on both counts. 1941 was the first year of match scoring. 2 Points Takedown 2 Points Reversal 1 Point Escape 4 Points Near Fall 1 Point For each minute of time advantage, with a maximum of 2 points By 1951 the nearfall was only 2 and the predicament was added for 1. It looks like maybe Gizoni could have made it to the finals in 1951 without a takedown. He won 4-2, 3-0, 3-0, 3-0. But he won 7-6 in the final making it improbable, but certainly not impossible, he did not have a takedown.
  7. And welcome to the board. Nice to have you. Great first post.
  8. I did not include that part because I didn't think it would happen, but here it is: If a 2023 Senior World Team Member, from an Olympic weight, vacates the weight: a. A senior world medalist, at any weight, within years (2019-2023) will be given the opportunity for a wrestle-off. b. The current 2023 #2 and #3 National Team members, at that the vacated Olympic weight, will also be included in the wrestle-off. c. The finals of the wrestle-off tournament will be a best of three series. *A 2023 Senior World Team Member (Olympic Weights) that chooses not to participate, without a certified medical reason, will automatically lose that month's National Team stipend. That asterisk puts a small economic hurdle out there if someone just doesn't feel like making weight.
  9. My brother in law, who doesn't have two nickels to rub together, bets in sub $1 increments.
  10. And another another thing. At both schools student-athletes are just under 2% of the student population. It makes sense then, in the NCAA study there were too few athletes to treat them as a separate category. It also makes sense that it is possible to have 67% of all students betting, but only 3-4% of student-athletes betting.
  11. Oh, and another thing. The number of Iowa athletes affected was originally reported as 26. Googling the total number of student-athletes at University of Iowa yields "over 650", which I read to be in the 651 to 659 range. But assuming only 650, that is 4% of student-athletes who were swept up in this probe that seems, from the outside looking in, to have been rather exhaustive. At Iowa State it was 15 athletes. Iowa State lists 556 total student-athletes. That comes to 2.7%. Yeah, Tom, I am going to have to call BS on your 56% claim.
  12. I was wondering about that 56% figure he quoted. It felt a little BS-y to me. The only thing I could find is this: https://www.ncaa.org/news/2023/5/24/media-center-ncaa-releases-sports-wagering-survey-data.aspx It feels like what he was talking about, even if 56% is nowhere to be found. 58 is the percent of 18-22 year olds who say they gamble. But that isn't even right as it includes non-college students. Among college students the number is even higher. But lest you be tempted to extrapolate that to student-athletes they point out that "Current or former NCAA athletes may have been in the pool of respondents but not in sufficient numbers to examine their data separately." The point is not to take the rants of a coach facing sanctions at face value. Especially when they are quoting statistics. As in lies, damn lies, and statistics.
  13. Does anyone know when challenges must be issued by for the US representative at the Pan American Continental Qualifier? And supposing there are challenges, when will the challenge tournament occur? As a reminder, a country has to qualify the weight in order to send a representative at the weigh to the Olympics. There are three paths to qualify a weight: Top 5 at Worlds, Top 2 at Continental Qualifiers. Nations may only enter wrestlers in a weight where they have not already qualified, Top 3 at World Qualifier, aka Last Chance. Nations may only enter wrestlers in a weight where they have not already qualified. Each weight will have just 16 athletes (5 from Worlds, plus 2 per Continent times 4 Continents, plus 3 from Last Chance). This year USAW altered their criteria to determine who to send to the Continental Qualifier. Rather than automatically send the World Team member at the weight they have the following allowance for challenges: A senior world medalist, at any weight, within years (2019-2023) will be given the opportunity to challenge the 2023 Senior World Team Member for the spot. a. If there is more than one challenger in a weight, there will be a single elimination tournament to determine who will challenge the 2023 World Team Member. b. There will be a best of three series between the 2023 Senior World Team Member and the challenger to determine who will earn the spot. For men's freestyle this only potentially affects 57kg and 65kg. For women's freestyle this only potentially affects 53kg and 62kg. For Greco Roman it potentially affects all weights (though I am not sure if there are qualified challengers).
  14. As dominant at the team score level as PSU will be, I am taking the over on number of schools with a champion.
  15. In the 10 weight era (1952 to 1965 and 1970 to present) the average number of schools to win at least one individual title is 7.5. The least number of schools to win a title was 5 in 1972 and again in 1997. There have been six years where socialism reigned and the 10 titles were shared by 10 teams (1963, 1988, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2009). All four ranking services (Intermat, WIN, Wrestlestat, Flo) have #1 ranked wrestlers from 7 schools. 2022 and 2023 held true to form, though there were substitutions. In 2023, Princeton, Northern Colorado, and Missouri replaced Iowa, Iowa State, and Northern Iowa (tough year for the corn state). What will happen this year? And who are your surprise teams to win a championship?
  16. He is definitely saying that. But that doesn't mean the reporters did not ask him a pertinent and appropriate question.
  17. What cracked me up about his rant is he kept saying they are asking the wrong questions of the wrong guy even though they asked the right questions of the right guy. He used that as a deflection to not answer the right questions. After answering their questions about the impact on his team perhaps he could have suggested they ALSO ask other questions of other people in addition to their right questions of him.
  18. No, I excluded 2020. And for Amine I only included his first four placements.
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